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g00fyg00ber741 t1_j33smh0 wrote

Well, to be clear bats are a pollinator of plant species, as well as a part of the animal food chain, depending on the bat. By disrupting the habitats and migration habits of pollinating species or species that play an important role in the food web of an ecosystem, we disrupt the environment and animal and plant life as well, which leads to degradation or change in an ecosystem instead of preserving it. Ideally we should be studying the environments that are best suited for wind turbines with minimal effect on surrounding wildlife. There’s so much empty land I’m sure this would be feasible


SuperRette t1_j34ogk8 wrote

Yep, exactly. I'm also sure that wind turbines are the lesser evil compared to, let's say, a coal plant.

I can guarantee that a wind farm has a far less negative impact on the ecosystem than a coal plant. I'm sure there's studies that can corroborate my assertion, as well.

In the search for clean, sustainable energy, we need to remember that perfect is the enemy of good; but not to allow that mindset to have us become complacent, either. It's not possible for us to arrive at a point that is "good enough", we just have to strive for it anyway.