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Bruno_Vieira t1_j6gzpe3 wrote

Idk if it is the guns, but humans kill other humans. They have been doing it since the beginning of time. The US has weird stats for developed nations in general, definitely not just mental illness. So in ur opinion that narrative has indeed affected the general population perception of crime? Like people seem to think it is tied to mental illness often? I would say it is likely tied to income inequality and social problems, but I am no specialist though.


ConfusedAllDaTime t1_j6i5hlr wrote

Income inequality and social problems in the community are HUGE risk factors for developing a mental illness


TopRevenue2 t1_j6jybwy wrote

Few haves, lots of have nots + lots of guns. WCGW


RainMH11 t1_j6hvoui wrote

Not crime in general but it's how people specifically like to explain mass shootings.


youcancallmeBilly t1_j6hxxc8 wrote

Mass shootings account for only 1% of gun violence in the US.

So even if 'mental illness' is to blame for that 1% of gun violence in America, ammosexuals are just as apathetic about the other 99% of gun violence while they actively support policies that literally reduce the quality of, and access to healthcare in the US.


bobtheplanet t1_j6i83fa wrote

Ah yes, name-calling is part of a rigorous scientific methodology!


youcancallmeBilly t1_j6ibqfq wrote

I’m specifically talking about people who actively refuse changing a document that has already been changed more than two dozen times and is more than two centuries old.

People who specifically refuse to compromise in the leading cause of death of children in this country.

Is there a different moniker you would prefer?


TopRevenue2 t1_j6jyxuq wrote

A graph of the trend in gun deaths before and after the Heller decision would be interesting


bobtheplanet t1_j6ikd4l wrote

Don't try to deflect... that's not what you said. Name-calling is the primary weapon of bigots!


youcancallmeBilly t1_j6itnu1 wrote

I’m not deflecting at all.

I’m explaining why I used the term ‘ammosexual’ to describe someone is so unreasonable about the right to bear arms, that they think the leading cause of children’s deaths in America is an acceptable price to pay for the unfettered access to guns…

…on a comment about gun violence in America…

…on a post about the surprising level of heterogeneity in psychopathy of among condemned capital murders.

And I am also pointing out that you’re not nearly outraged over the facts of gun violence as you are outraged over the slang ‘ammosexual’.


bobtheplanet t1_j6kplh4 wrote

Bigot:a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


youcancallmeBilly t1_j6ld27y wrote

Straw Man

A straw man argument attacks a different subject rather than the topic being discussed — often a more extreme version of the counter argument. The purpose of this misdirection is to make one's position look stronger than it actually is.


bobtheplanet t1_j6mnc6u wrote

Like refering to your personal hatred for firearms when the discussion is about psychopathy among prisoners.


youcancallmeBilly t1_j6n324t wrote

Come on. You’re better than this.

I went into detail explaining my positions on uncompromising gun zealots and the refusal to restrain access to firearms, but you know I didn’t say anything about ‘hating guns’

I own guns and I’m an avid sport/recreational shooter and your arguments are literally what I’m talking about.


bobtheplanet t1_j6n6acy wrote

Go back and read what you wrote and quit referring to people or groups with insults, you'll get along better in the world.


BabySinister t1_j6h05a1 wrote

I don't know what might cause it, I'm just pointing out that it has been mentioned quite a lot that mental illness might be the driving factor, hence the usefulness of this research.


DTFH_ t1_j6io3ji wrote

And a large body of research counters that premise given the number of those mentally ill who never murder or shoot others which is most mentally ill people. For example if you analyzed the 'Community Mental Health Support' Waiver or your states equivalent from the federally funded Home and Community Based Services program through CMS, you would presume to see more shootings or violent acts from individuals on that waiver given its requirements but that is not something that is observed given you would have a solid control group.


Bruno_Vieira t1_j6h09lv wrote

Hmm nice. Thanks for explaining it, I didn’t know of this new wave of explanation for crimes.


terran1212 t1_j6j63bw wrote

There are elevated risks of violence associated with some categories of mental illnesses but they can’t be lumped together.