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obaterista93 t1_j4800f6 wrote

That's the exact reason I'm so grateful for my wife.

She's amazing at recognizing when I NEED to do something, even if I don't WANT to.
Sometimes she'll pack up hiking clothes, backpacks, boots and everything, and basically say "let's go, we're hiking now" and it always helps so much.


Juutai t1_j486uus wrote

My dog was this for me. Depressed? Don't care. It's walk time.


electric_popcorn_cat t1_j48y8s2 wrote

Yeah, they say dogs are good for depression and cats are good for anxiety.

Doesn’t matter how down I feel, my dog needs to competitively pee where that other dog did. So I have to get up.

So grateful for our pets!