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metaironic t1_j62tqdo wrote

I recently read Robert Sapolsky’s great book on stress, ‘Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers’, originally published back in ‘94. One of the things he talks about is stress and trauma in childhood and the physiological changes it can cause, some permanent and some reversible if dealt with in time. Some of this had been known for decades when he wrote the book, and he does a great job going through the research and the history of its discovery. Can really recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it.


lizzolz t1_j6374b0 wrote

Could growing up in a household of constant alcohol-fuelled arguing that teeters on the edge of violence, between two parents, constitute as child abuse? Surely witnessing that can have long lasting impacts on a child.


blog-goblin t1_j63bzng wrote

Yes. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include substance abuse in the home.


half_in_boxes t1_j63ao74 wrote

Yes, that absolutely counts, especially if there was no childhood resolution (e.g. therapy, removal to a safe home.)