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Test19s t1_j4sc47q wrote

24 hours after humans adopt bonobo ethics:

“Why does it hurt when I use the bathroom?”

STDs would have to suck in a species with a human-like population.


2legittoquit t1_j4t2r3g wrote

Stds exist already. Also condoms are a things. If stds stopped people from having sex we would have died out a long time ago. ALSO, if our entire culture revolved around sex as means of problem solving we would have as much prophylactic technology as we currently have military technology.


Specialist_Carrot_48 t1_j4tw0c6 wrote

Im just gonna go ahead and believe that there's an alien species out there somehow that is super sexy on it's super sexy planet having all kinds of super sex and there are no social problems

Wouldn't that be cool