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Iffykindofguy t1_j6uf6ne wrote

Yeah some people would absolutely be about that life, you think they make video games simulating that sort of thing because no is interested in making and organizing a system? Again, both of you appear to be intellectually lazy and so you assume others will be the same.


Surur t1_j6ugbht wrote

You are kind of ignoring that there are many jobs AI would be able to do better e.g. chip design for example or managing complex networks. Or understanding protein folding.

Even if you are curious and smart, you may not be the best person for the job.

For example, despite saying you are not lazy, you don't seem to have done much reading on the alignment problem, so you are not really qualified to discuss the issue.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ugk2g wrote

So now people have to be the absolute best? Oh nice job moving the goal posts there pal. Again, the entire point is just that people still have agency. You seem to think everyone will fuck off and game all day long. That's not the case.

In addition to that I think you both seem to believe in some sort of framework to our society that doesn't exist. If there was a coordinated attack on the power grid or if the internet were to suddenly turn off tomorrow we would experience mass chaos and violence in the confusion. We are past the point of no return.


Surur t1_j6uh0ia wrote

> Oh nice job moving the goal posts there pal.

You don't seem to understand that AI will indeed move the goalposts.

For example you may have a human doctor who has 10% of his patients die and an AI who only loses 5%. Goalposts moved.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6uh92m wrote



Are you drunk? I accused you of moving goalposts. Because at first you were arguing no one would have a job and now youre talking about having to be the best at the job.


Surur t1_j6ukt55 wrote

You don't understand that if you are worst at a job, then you will not have employers or customers?

This discussion is clearly over your head. Good day to you, sir.


iNstein t1_j6vvzyg wrote

No one will have a job because they will not be good enough. If someone wants to druve a taxi, why would I agree to use them when an AI driven taxi is significantly safer. People won't work BECAUSE we are not as good as AI and so the jobs won't be available to us.


TFenrir t1_j6ugkm7 wrote

I'm basically going to ignore the ad hominem's, but just as a tip - that sort of stuff makes you look worse, not me.

So your argument against the idea that we would replace a significant portion of the infrastructure of the world with automated processes run by AGI is that people would be too bored, so they would want to have what are the equivalent of Jetson's button pressers? I have a few critiques of this argument....

Let me try a more casual one.

So AGI takes over, suddenly all human work is unnecessary. AI does it better, faster, and cheaper than people. Bob though used to run the waste disposal plant in your city. He really wants to keep working that job, so he just.... Walks into this new robot run facility, understands how everything is working even though it's all changed, and now his job is what... Making sure the AI doesn't make a mistake, or take over? Meanwhile his buddies are at the cottage, having a beer and not having to work. You think Bob's work is so satisfying and valuable that this is a tenable situation?

Maybe you can give me an example of how you think this plays out? Do you think Bob is in a position to protect us from malicious AI? Do you think people like Bob exist, or at least enough to have a handle on all important infrastructure? You think Bob wouldn't rather spend time on his woodworking hobby?


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ugqa8 wrote

I never ever ever said we wouldnt replace a significant portion of the infrastructure so Im going to stop reading there. When you'd like to have a serious discussion and stop moving goalposts, stop lying, come back and talk like an adult.


TFenrir t1_j6ujt8k wrote

I hope you talk to the people in your life better than this


Iffykindofguy t1_j6uk2ku wrote

I do and sorry for being so intense but you came at me hot and you're talking some nonsense. You went from no one will be doing anything to oh well no one can be the best at their job so no one will want to do anything to....? My entire point from the jump is just that people arent going to just sit idly by and die. A generation may over indulge if we get some relief from the current capitalist hellscape we have at the moment but before long people will get bored. Not to mention people are aware of this problem, why wouldn't they take steps to avoid not knowing how our daily life functions?