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94746382926 t1_j9pg9qq wrote

I 100% agree, but I made a poll about 2 weeks ago asking people's opinion if they should be banned or only allowed on certain days. The results were like 70% in favor of them. I don't understand it


mindbleach t1_j9qmipa wrote

The lowest common denominator ruins a lot of things. People who just wanna click some buttons can easily pad out a subreddit of any size and put low-effort crap on its front page, day after day. And they'll say 'well why not make a subreddit for just you whiners,' even if the sub they're in was already a replacement that got overrun again.


mcilrain t1_j9r1czw wrote

Is it really the idiots fault? Or the "geniuses" who keep failing at gatekeeping?


mindbleach t1_j9r1mmi wrote

What the fuck do you expect people to do?

edit: And why do you naysayers keep inserting "idiot" into a description of popular casual interest? I'm not fucking shy. If I meant to call these people stupid, you would know.


mcilrain t1_j9r31hd wrote

Moderate according to principals rather than to appease the majority. Cultivate a culture that ignores and/or bullies idiots. This is what is typically done.

The lowest common denominator of internet commentators has a low intelligence by definition, "idiot" is a word for people of low intelligence.


mindbleach t1_j9r5sd6 wrote

First asshole: 'You're wrong, you're just acting superior to people with different interests!' No.

Second asshole: 'You are plainly mistaken, casuals are by definition lesser human beings.' Very no.

Fuck the both of you.


Accomplished_Box_907 t1_j9qoot9 wrote

Reddit works by engagement. If it isn’t a good post you won’t see it often. Stop being a pretentious dick. Where’s your Phd? I’m sure you provide soo much insight.


mindbleach t1_j9qr85u wrote

"Nothing popular can be wrong!," says dull troll. "How dare you have preferences, unless you're a super genius."

Fuck your abusive rhetoric, fuck your irrational motivations, and to the extent allowed by any sub with well-meaning but ultimately harmful demands for unearned respect, fuck you personally.

A stranger on the internet dryly criticized the actions of large groups. You spat venom about imaginary individual failings. Re-evaluate how you use the internet, you wound-up patience vampire.


Hunter62610 t1_j9qvjdj wrote

I love them personally. It's interesting seeing what AI "has to say". I know it's not alive, but it still talks.


TheRidgeAndTheLadder t1_j9szkx9 wrote

Depends I guess.

You broke the LLM? Story time!

You had a therapy shesh with GPT? Yeah, not interested.


Hunter62610 t1_j9tuphb wrote

I want to see the actual effort and interplay of man and machine. You asked for a story about a little robot's dream of going to space? Boring. You spent 3 days fleshing out the same prompt and writing in details, refining, illustrating, reading, ect? Awesome.


Agreeable_Bid7037 t1_j9srhl4 wrote

I actually like to hear people's interesting interactions with AI, it even gives me ideas to try out later. I personally have asked it all I could think of to ask it.


FomalhautCalliclea t1_j9qggw5 wrote

I agree with your disdain for those, but maybe banning might sound as a too extreme solution ?


AbyssalRedemption t1_j9r481t wrote

It’s the cool new toy, give it a few months, people will get over it. Or at least, it’ll fade into the background.


Bakagami- OP t1_j9rei2f wrote

People were saying the same thing with Dall-E and SD. Technically they were right, but by that time there were already new 'toys' available so the underlying problem is still here, it just shifted from Dall-E to chatGPT. And the same thing will happen again and again at this rate of progress if we don't make up our minds to setup some rules.


Daealis t1_j9sem7d wrote

People, as a general rule, are idiots. Ask anyone who's met me!

But on a serious note, I don't think polling works. Polling requires less engagement than typing out a comment, so people that only casually stroll by to read topics and chuckle at memes, but never contribute otherwise, will vote on a poll.

You're not getting an accurate picture from people who engage with content.

AI generated chatter seems like meme content at this point. When we reach a point where the AI is conscious rather than just an overcomplicated predetermined logic tree, then it feels to me like we should return to the discussion with a different tone.