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enkae7317 t1_j7f8v0c wrote

I'd imagine the robot would start off empty slate. Like bare basic skills. Then you "purchase" the software for it to do other shit. IE) 25k for the starting base.

Want it to cook for you? Buy the Cook Apprentice Upgrade on the eShop for 10k. Simple software upgrade once you purchase the plan and BAM. It now knows to cook basic dishes. Advanced dishes (like chef-level skills) pay an additional 10k dollars.

Want it to know how to mow the lawn? That'll be 5k dollars. Take out the trash? 2k dollars. Do laundry? 2k dollars. You get the point.

Kind of like what Tesla is doing RIGHT NOW with full self drive tech where it's locked behind a paywall for X amt of dollars and you can always subscribe to upgrade the car.


GrumpyRob t1_j7fu9br wrote

Those who can afford to do so, will get the upgrades legitimately. Those who cannot will get the bootleg parts and software, just like we have done for decades in the PC space. I had plenty of functionality with a shoestring budget back in the day, and I imagine getting your 'droid hacked by the kid next door to run a variety of behaviors, will be a thing.

With the advent of open-access, AI-assisted programming, you will likely have access to a fully customizable suite of behaviors and skills with very little cost. I imagine that more regulation will be pushed by android manufacturers to control what software goes into what hardware. For safety, of course.


Ishynethetruth t1_j7ffvkq wrote

And the first company to release one that’s not tied down to their overprice service will win. We will also have the tech to hack and improve them.