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helpskinissues t1_j8r4ho7 wrote

You're not analyzing the other side of the coin.

Sure, LLMs for romance is cool.

Who is doing it though? Google, Microsoft (apart from chatGPT and Bard, there's nobody else)? Two major corporations that have never risked doing anything for adults, including censoring porn or nudes on YouTube? Do you think they have any interest in risking the creation of AI sex chatbots? And no, don't talk me about "censoring sex", they can't. Limiting a LLM is very hard as you can see with Sydney. If they want zero risk of LLMs being for-adults, they also need zero attempt to personal relationships with LLMs.

OpenAI had the chance to do that, but now it's (basically) owned by Microsoft, so will probably skip that.

However, they announced customized chatGPT for other companies. So romantic chatGPT may be coming, unless they want to limit them too, which is a relevant possibility.


grimorg80 t1_j8swy0v wrote

Sure, but you can't say that because YouTube doesn't allow porn, then porn videos don't exist.


helpskinissues t1_j8sx6ja wrote

We're talking about Google being the owner of that porn site. We can indeed say there's no PornHub owned by Google.


grimorg80 t1_j8t44i4 wrote

Yes, but your point was that because Google is not gonna do it then it won't happen. And my point is that tech finds a way. Someone will definitely do it, no doubt about it.


helpskinissues t1_j8t548h wrote

Yeah, that's what my last paragraph says this.

>However, they announced customized chatGPT for other companies. So romantic chatGPT may be coming, unless they want to limit them too, which is a relevant possibility.

Nobody's saying LLMs won't be used for romance, the question was why it's not being used for romance nowadays. The explanation is simple: the inventors of that LLM (Bard, chatGPT) are working for major corporations (Google, Microsoft) and those major corporations are heavily constrained by the investors regarding the age rating of their services.

The closest chance for a romantic LLM is probably a third-party company using chatGPT or Bard, probably. But that's assuming that corporations allow third-parties to have 18+ content. If not, then let's pray open source alternatives to chatGPT come very soon, as they should.

Edit: "then it won't happen" I literally said I believe it'll happen in the last paragraph.


grimorg80 t1_j8tbt8h wrote

My bad. Now I got it, and yes, I agree with you. Sorry about the misunderstanding! On the topic of "romantic" I believe there are already some attempts out there


helpskinissues t1_j8tjzld wrote

>I believe there are already some attempts out there

The magic is the LLM. The romance is simply uncensoring the LLM, and maybe setting some predefined personality.

Right now we only have ChatGPT (OpenAI). Soon, Bard (Google AI).

Next ones? We don't know. Claude (Anthropic), OpenAssistant (LAION), Lambda (Google AI), Sparrow (DeepMind)...

Artificial Romance apps will come from those LLMs.


GenoHuman t1_j8rmaz0 wrote

if there is money to be made then yes both Google and Microsoft would create AI sex chatbots because money is the only thing that's important in a capitalism system.


helpskinissues t1_j8rmqtx wrote

There's money to be lost, that's why they don't do it. That's the point of capitalism, indeed.


GenoHuman t1_j8rnqqo wrote

For them yes probably but for other companies that are starting up this year? No, that's a huge opportunity!
