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ShadowRazz t1_je51tfm wrote

I'm convinced that the only reason Elon wants every one to slow down is so he can play catch up. I think he hates the fact that its Sam Altmans name attached to AI and not his.


Neurogence OP t1_je522dp wrote

Yup, they're all playing catch up, including Emad (the stable diffusion guy),

They know if GPT5 is released within 1-2 years, it would be game over for them in terms of catching up. It would take a while for them to even recreate gpt 4 or even gpt 3.

Even Google can't seem to catch up. Bard is like a GPT2.


FomalhautCalliclea t1_je60b4q wrote

The irony would be that all this paper manages to achieve is to encourage OpenAI and Microsoft to accelerate their work before legislation intervenes.


Quintium t1_je63ok2 wrote

Is that such a bad thing? OpenAI being the only company with an advanced LLM would create a monopoly and ultimately hurt the customers. We as the customers should want the others to catch up to increase competition.


j-rojas t1_je8r5gq wrote

Google will easily be able to catch up if they really want to focus on the problem. They have ALL of the computing power and resources to do so. The key to GPT-3.5+ is RLHF. That's what takes some effort, but it would not be difficult for Google to this now that Bard is out. Bard is the training ground for RLHF, so you will continue to see major improvements as people give the system feedback.


lovesdogsguy t1_je67zt4 wrote

This is the reason he's been talking about AI for so long (comments as far back as 2017 and before.) It has almost nothing to do with AI safety. He's a narcissist. He knows that powerful and democratised AI (or AGI) has the potential to level the playing field to an extent that his ego would be seriously challenged. It's less about money to him than it is about his narcissism. He's at the "top" so to speak, and he knows things are on the verge of shifting, but he doesn't want to potentially slip into insignificance / obscurity.


Saerain t1_je6e99z wrote

I'm not as familiar with Elon Musk's takes on AI, but see also Yudkowsky and generally much of the "AI safety" bloc.


lovesdogsguy t1_je6glk1 wrote

I'm not familiar with their takes (like many have pointed out, this is starting to seem like a full-time job keeping up!) but I'll take a look.

But even when I heard Elon comment in an interview or article about AI even 5 - 7 years ago, all I could see/hear was "me me me!" He'd talk about AI safety but it was blatantly never anything to do with that when it came to him specifically. It has significantly more to do with his ego than anything else.


SoylentRox t1_je6d31r wrote

Yep. Convenient how the open letter does nothing at all to slow anyone down who isn't at gpt-5 researching stage. And it's only 6 months, maybe renewed a couple times - about the length of the gap between OAI and the second place group.

Like getting the refs in an auto race to slow down only the car multiple laps ahead.


YearZero t1_je6qk11 wrote

That’s a good point - how many companies would this apply to besides OpenAI? No one demonstrated parity with GPT4 yet. Maybe 6 months from now someone might catch up, but then the time expires. So it won’t affect anyone else, what gives?