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Hazzman t1_jcvh4u7 wrote

It won't matter if it's full of AI created content or if movies are made using it - people have to actually want to watch them.

And people aren't going to want to watch them. It's going to be fluff. It's going to be a whole lot of gravel filling up these platforms.

Does that mean this will always be the case? No... of course not. But just the ability to create SOMETHING and post it on youtube doesn't mean it is going to be worth looking at or gain any traction. Not at first.

Eventually this will change but early on its just going to be novel fluff.


Artanthos t1_jcvxgtj wrote

It’s going to be whatever the people take the time and effort to make.

Some will be good, some will be bad.

Just like everything else on YouTube.


Hazzman t1_jcw7exy wrote

You are talking about narrow AI. AGI is different - this is why the smartest people in the world who make this shit have repeatedly explained they are concerned.


Artanthos t1_jcxj7f5 wrote

The subject being discussed is very narrow, text to video.

AGI was not the subject under discussion.


Ijustdowhateva t1_jcweysk wrote

You're assuming movies won't turn into a personalized form of entertainment.