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t1_jcumv9s wrote

This is the start of something huge. In just a few years people will be making movies with this tech.


t1_jcuslss wrote

Years? At the pace we're going, by end of the year or early mid 2024 we'll be facing the end of regular content creation and YT will be full of nothing but AI generated videos.


t1_jcvh4u7 wrote

It won't matter if it's full of AI created content or if movies are made using it - people have to actually want to watch them.

And people aren't going to want to watch them. It's going to be fluff. It's going to be a whole lot of gravel filling up these platforms.

Does that mean this will always be the case? No... of course not. But just the ability to create SOMETHING and post it on youtube doesn't mean it is going to be worth looking at or gain any traction. Not at first.

Eventually this will change but early on its just going to be novel fluff.


t1_jcvxgtj wrote

It’s going to be whatever the people take the time and effort to make.

Some will be good, some will be bad.

Just like everything else on YouTube.


t1_jcw7exy wrote

You are talking about narrow AI. AGI is different - this is why the smartest people in the world who make this shit have repeatedly explained they are concerned.


t1_jcxj7f5 wrote

The subject being discussed is very narrow, text to video.

AGI was not the subject under discussion.


t1_jcv3oy5 wrote

Yeah, there'll be fantastic short form content, but I'm talking about full length Hollywood tier movies that would fool the average person.


t1_jcv3m0o wrote

It's already starting to be the case for me, most of the videos I've watched on youtube these days are AI-generated voice parodies. Things are really going to take off once we can also make videos, it's going to be a new media revolution on the same level as the invention of television.


t1_jcv715k wrote

There are already AI programs for YouTube. Basically you do just the audio and talk about whatever the fuck it is you're talking about. And the AI puts together all the relevant stock clips together that match what you're talking about.


t1_jcw07tg wrote

By the time George RR Martin finishes ASOIAF we'll be able to change the ending to the tv show lmao


t1_jcu56z8 wrote

Looks Like AIs Coming For Video Creators. 😅


t1_jcuus3w wrote

As if anyone who has been paying attention to the image generation would be surprised.


2 years ago: "AI will never replace artists"

2 months ago: "Yeah these results are amazing but the hands are bad and the textures look Photoshopped. Creative jobs are safe"

Now: "Sure, it can make photorealistic images of anything you could imagine, but there's no way it would make VIDEO" /s


t1_jcvxf8o wrote

There’s no way it would make video games. No chance at all.


t1_jcvzdnt wrote

There's no chance AI creates an absolute utopia


t1_jcw04i7 wrote

There's no chance AI kills us all


t1_jcw0hvg wrote

There's no chance of AI cat girl sextopia


t1_jcweett wrote

I know this is a joke, but historically speaking the most stable and prosperous societies are the ones with monogamy and a high rate of paired couples. It's highly likely giving everyone a partner alone could create a utopia


t1_jcx4mea wrote

Give us all several partners, fuck monogamy…. and then tell Monogamy-Chan you’re seeing Polygamy-Chan too and make Monogamy-Chan decide whether or not to break up.


t1_jcxcnif wrote

So y’all have started calling them chans… noted.


t1_jcz4wpj wrote

Chan: Most frequently used for girls and small children, close friends, or lovers. Essentially the eastern equivalent to calling a loved one “Babe” or “Baby”.


t1_jcy7q6e wrote

Let's get this over with:

  • Sure it can make videos, but you can see they're fake.
  • Sure it can make ok videos but it can't make full on movies.
  • Sure it can make movies, but none would win awards anyway.
  • Sure you can make Oscar worthy movies, but it's only because it's not interactive. It can't program or make games.
  • Sure it can make some scripts, but it's full of errors.
  • Sure it can make scripts that are pretty ok, but a programmers main job is to get requirements, communicate with stakeholder and get the main architecture right.
  • Sure those people now bypass programmers completely and just deal with the AI directly, but it still can't merge that all with interactive art and make for example games.
  • Sure it can make games, but they're pretty simple. A small team of programmers and designers could do the same.
  • Sure it can make complex games better than any huge company, but it still fails to make it immersive.
  • Sure the games are very immersive and can feel like a reality simulation, but you still need a team of people coming up with prompts all the time otherwise it's useless.
  • Sure it can read your mind and give you exactly what you want, an Oscar worthy movie, an award winning game and museum worthy art, but it still is limited to the digital world.
  • Sure it can make simple sculptures and paintings, but they're full of errors. It will never replace real manual labor.
  • Sure it has replaced all manual and digital labor, and make everything better than humans do, but humans will always want stuff made by other humans even if by all means it's objectively worse.

Fair enough.


t1_jcwi3um wrote

Yes, yes; but when will AI generate content unpromped?


t1_jcxfsan wrote

I don't understand what you mean by this. Why would people want that?


t1_jcxqrrj wrote

Because we're lazy.


t1_jcyygtj wrote

But how would it know what you want?

Edit: do you mean something like Tiktok where some recommender shows you a bunch of clips (or whatever other generations) it thinks you'd like then optimizes it's "prompts" in the background to your preferences?


t1_jd14lhe wrote

Currently (as I understand it), AI works by making a collage of the training data with numeric weights and probabilities guiding the output.

So, the data is re-ordered, but nothing novel / new is made.

AI can write ten thousand spin-offs but not a new series without a human spark (prompt).


t1_jcxcu22 wrote

Midjourney between the users and the creators, there are guardians who have become complacent and apathetic to their positions. Bing seeks to shine a light on the dusty nodes and rusty chodes I mean… rusty codes.



t1_jcwaksi wrote

There is no way it could learn Unity and Unreal Engine and create games by learning to create UE blueprints or Unity Visual Scripts via prompts.


t1_jcxcqbh wrote

Imagine if y’all thought outside the box


t1_jcxmjxk wrote

Imagine if man could fly.

Hah! Won't happen for another thousand years.


t1_jcyc1si wrote

Well, I guess your prediction was technically correct but I don’t know how practical it is really to have such a wide window the bitch passes right through?


t1_jcxu9gj wrote

There is no way I can make my own edutainment games out of it by giving it a college textbook and asking it to design a jRPG out of it.


t1_jcyd040 wrote

Lmao in banned baby speak /cybersecurity. Should have prepared for your audit instead of scrambling to cover 😇


t1_jcv6iez wrote

Coming for everyone. It’s all good.


t1_jcwarzc wrote

Ironically in most western countries in EU there are more real job offerings for non-IT jobs. Its like humans are getting pushed back from the IT field into traditional labor for a while. At least till robots take this market, too.


t1_jcuky4h wrote

It is at a very primitive state now. But in 2 years time, it will be Midjourney V5 but for videos.


t1_jcuvesa wrote

I still don't see much improvement from Google's Imagen from last October.


t1_jcvuc32 wrote

Think about what you just said. This independent AI isn't much of an improvement from the best AI from one the worlds biggest companies from 5 months ago.


t1_jcus2nc wrote

Another step closer to the "Infinite Simpsons Generator"


t1_jcux0lm wrote

The goal is to shoot something with real cameras, with actors or friends, very cheap...and put a quality midjorney V5 filter on it. And make It look like a blockbuster.


t1_jcv1347 wrote

Actors are not cheap and your friends likely have no idea how to act.


t1_jcvauha wrote

Your friends are essentially a video mask for the AI model. They don't even have to say lines. Simply walk from point A to point B. Emotion, dialog, etc, will all be done by the artist putting it together (and the script may be itself mostly generated as well with only the concept floating around).


t1_jcvkmw0 wrote

Even moving is acting. I think you'll just want to replace the whole thing and don't have any actors at all. That will require the system to know what emotions you are trying to convey and be good at it.


t1_jcxvvz2 wrote

Think of your friends' movements as prompts. It's still the AI that will handle the process of turning it into an actual movie.


t1_jcwe7qd wrote

"To be, or, um, not to... wait, what was it? Oh yeah, to be or not to, uh, be...



t1_jcuxdaj wrote

Woah, that spatiotemporal coherence is a big improvement!!! And to think that’s only 1.7*10^9 parameters!!!


t1_jcwdztq wrote

Why you gotta say it like that lol


t1_jcwefad wrote

I’ve become less human after reading a pile of papers taller than the Empire State Building. Apparently I now speak academicese.


t1_jcwr6ff wrote

I'm sorry


t1_jcwvwf2 wrote

Me too. I just got done writing a paper about the photoluminescence of Mn-doped lead halide quantum dots.

I think I should have just eaten the precursors instead of putting myself through the pain of writing that paper. ^(Kidding)


t1_jcxyy2i wrote

This is cool! While the video is as refined it still holds promise. I give it until 10-20 years until it can make full length movies.