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wren42 t1_jcfoaxx wrote

First, a sub about the singularity is not necessarily a sub about "Singularitarianism", which is often treated more like a religion by its adherents. This attitude is rampant here, TBH.

Secondly, blind optimism is not inherently more rational than skepticism.

Fear has a practical purpose - it inspires necessary caution and lets us seek out and avoid potential problems.

"Move fast and break things" is not the correct attitude when we are talking about the singularity, a potentially life-ending event at the extremes, and enormously disruptive even at the good end of potentialities.

The track record so far for humanity is that this technology will benefit a wealthy few who control it, and nearly all of us will be utterly fucked by the transition. Some of our kids may benefit, but without major societal changes we are going to experience an economic fallout that will make the great depression look cute.

TL/DR: Skepticism and fear are healthy. We need to be cautious and pro-active about not only about AI alignment and safety, but also economic policy. Mainstream anxiety about AI should be harness to push for policy changes ASAP.