
wren42 t1_jcfoaxx wrote

First, a sub about the singularity is not necessarily a sub about "Singularitarianism", which is often treated more like a religion by its adherents. This attitude is rampant here, TBH.

Secondly, blind optimism is not inherently more rational than skepticism.

Fear has a practical purpose - it inspires necessary caution and lets us seek out and avoid potential problems.

"Move fast and break things" is not the correct attitude when we are talking about the singularity, a potentially life-ending event at the extremes, and enormously disruptive even at the good end of potentialities.

The track record so far for humanity is that this technology will benefit a wealthy few who control it, and nearly all of us will be utterly fucked by the transition. Some of our kids may benefit, but without major societal changes we are going to experience an economic fallout that will make the great depression look cute.

TL/DR: Skepticism and fear are healthy. We need to be cautious and pro-active about not only about AI alignment and safety, but also economic policy. Mainstream anxiety about AI should be harness to push for policy changes ASAP.


wren42 t1_j9pqens wrote

> Then when unemployment is up and people are desperate, the socialists can purpose a UBI

This is not a pleasant transition. Expect poverty, homelessness, starvation, high suicide rate.

And if you think UBI will save you, think again. You won't be affording luxuries on UBI. Capitalists won't be sharing the fruits of automation in some utopian wonderland. You'll be scrounging to survive while the rich live that life.


wren42 t1_j8iabtb wrote

Gpt is an awesome benchmark and super interesting to play with.

It is not at all ready to function as a virtual assistant for search as bing is touting it, as it does not have a way to fact check reliably and is still largely a black box that can spin off into weird loops as this post shows.

It's the best we've got, for sure; but we just aren't there yet.


wren42 t1_j8flkxg wrote

Yeah he could have edited the entire image and fake the whole conversation. I accept that possibility. Do you apply the same skepticism to every conversation posted about GPT?

I'm not referring to blind faith in what I read on the internet. I'm referring to faith in the idea that chat GPT is somehow on the verge of becoming a god. That cultist mindset that's taking root among some in the community is what's toxic.


wren42 t1_j8dmpub wrote

it's supposed to be a search assistant. Yeah the user said they "wouldn't forgive it" for being wrong, but the chat brought up the relationship, love, and sex without the user ever mentioning it.

I cannot say it enough: this technology is NOT ready for the use cases it's being touted for. It is not actually context aware, it cannot fact check or self audit. It is not intelligent. It is just a weighted probability map of word associations.

People who think this somehow close to AGI are being fooled, and the enthusiasm is mostly wish fulfillment and confirmation bias.


wren42 t1_j6xcaw6 wrote

  1. Lithium battery production
  2. Absorbing the ~800 billion additional kwh energy consumption renewably while also converting existing consumption and accounting for growth.

We can't produce and support 300 million EVs in the US alone. It's a dream. We will have to move to more efficient forms of mass transit.


wren42 t1_j64ajn6 wrote

Open AI is not open anymore, and hasn't been for some time now. The not for profit closed and switched to a for profit corp and has been taking investor money ever since. They stopped sharing research with the public scientific community, dropped their mission statement, and started selling gpt as a product.

There is nothing at all open about openAI, they are owned by investors and will promote corporate interests like every other company. Do not trust them.