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DungeonsAndDradis t1_iqvsok1 wrote

We already have Alexa and Google as digital assistants, and more and more devices are being connected to the Internet of Things. I'm pretty sure that within 5 years our assistants will be doing things for us, that we did not ask them to do, but that we appreciate any way.

Something like "I noticed on your last shopping trip that you forgot kitty litter. I ordered some on Amazon and it will be here this afternoon."

Or "Little Tommy watched an entire 2 minute ad for the Monster Truck Showdown playset while he was browsing YouTube. I went ahead and added it to your Christmas 2025 shopping list on Amazon."

Or "I saw your flight confirmation email in June. I went ahead and prescheduled the thermostat to a lower temperature while you're away and pre-programmed an away message for the doorbell camera. The post office has already lined up your mail hold as well. And I took the liberty of getting you reservations at that taco place you like."


Powerful_Range_4270 t1_iqwz6ri wrote

We so have them assistance but they still can't give human level advice, problem sloving. Wide spread AGI is what he/she is talking about.