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mootcat t1_irfbc9z wrote

It's genuinely paralyzed me. Any digital task will rapidly be taken over by AI and most things that can be automated with robots affordably will be. Interpersonal skills seem like a decent bet for now. Maybe engineering or electronic repair? Honestly I don't think it will matter that much in the long term.


Bakoro t1_irfin4a wrote

Do whatever will make you the most money within ten years, sit on cash until the next market crash, and buy any land you can get your grubby mitts on.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_irft42l wrote

The next crash won't take 10 years we have entered a stage where the next crisis begins before the last one ends


kmtrp t1_irfsvr1 wrote

What the other guy said, try to cash in. I guess the only safe jobs for a while are those where the human touch is needed. But yes we are fucked.


UnionPacifik t1_irfurte wrote

Alternatively, work is about to be a thing of the past for most everyone.


kmtrp t1_irgdk7v wrote

I agree, but I can't imagine how those events will play out. Even in the most optimistic scenarios, millions of people will face a miserable experience, regardless of their willingness to find jobs, re-train, and so on.