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purple_hamster66 t1_irrjcqw wrote

Brilliant idea, but the trend does not imply it will ever happen IRL over a large population.

Anything can be automated, even “thought” can be automated (which is what AI does), but it’s a long way from “it can be done” to “people will want to do this”. Why?

  • Because competition is inbred. Siblings fight over attention. People compete over ideas, credit, honors, and being heard. Even when people are alone, they compete with themselves to better their condition & sharpen ideas. Large-scale Communism fails because it ignores these basic human behaviors. (Small-scale Communism actually works well, because it embraces the behaviors, ex, my group against your group).
  • Only 10% of the world has Uber or computers. The rest is working on it, but needs to find clean water & a stable political systems first.
  • If you can automate production, you can also automate destruction, like war robots, virus based weapons, info system invasion, and computer-destroying nanobots. You can’t get rid of bad guys by imagining them away.

lorepieri OP t1_irto4l9 wrote

All true, but if automation of the work activities becomes straightforward, it's a very unstable situation which can collapse to post-scarcity at any time. And it's enough for one state to do it to create a domino effect. So it's enough to have a single country revolting, a single new election, a carismatic leader. All in all, over the long term, I see this as highly likely.