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Rumianti6 OP t1_irs8qi8 wrote

Fire can burn wood but ice can't. Why? because they are different. While it may be possible for AI to be conscious it is also possible it can not due to fundamental differences. That is my claim.


MeditationGuru t1_irshcj5 wrote

It’s possible that it is impossible for AI to be conscious sure. But it could also be possible for it to be conscious. You’ve said it yourself we don’t know, so why are you calling one side of the possibilities dumb? We don’t even know what causes consciousness.


SmithMano t1_irtoib8 wrote

The only reason we consider the elements we do as “biological” are because they are on this planet. For all we know there might be aliens with silicon based brains and copper bones.


d4m1ty t1_iru7x0g wrote

Ice is the solid form of water.

Fire is the visual effect of a highly exothermic oxidation reaction.

You are comparing apples with black holes.

Brains run on neurons. Neurons run on Sodium and Potassium potentials which send electrical impulses to other neurons.

CPU have transistors, transistors run on action potentials generated through directed flow of electricity.

The only difference is one is carbon based the other silicon. Why does carbon allow conscious but silicon does not? If the fundamental actions are the same in both, their gestalt being the same or similar would follow.