Submitted by darklinux1977 t3_y3cskb in singularity

We are all humanists here, we want the good of our neighbours. But despite all the progress, transhumanism among others, we will have to manage crime, low and high, that of street corners and various mafias.

I don't worry about crime on the street corners: no culture, no education, from illiteracy to caricature. Nothing seriously bothering a citizen, but you have to justify the judicial and prison system (that doesn't pose any philosophical problem for me, there's even that in Star Trek, a virtuous society).

The Mafias, are they problematic, because parasitic by nature. We must therefore remove the corruptible from the equation: man. But the Society, current and close (50 to 100 years), will not accept it.

When do you think ?



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Sashinii t1_is7wcxc wrote

Countries where the citizens are well-educated and healthy have less crime, and with greater technology (including medicine), people are going to become smarter and healthier than ever before, so while I'll probably get criticized for saying something so utopian, I'll say it anyway:

I think that the singularity will lead to all crime ending this century, within a few decades, and obviously, the sooner that all crime ends, the better it will be for everyone and everything.


zero_for_effort t1_is83iag wrote

If post-scarcity for all is achieved it follows that property crime essentially disappears. Crimes surrounding personhood and consent are trickier but post-singularity all bets are off. In a society where everyone's needs are met as a basic standard what would even motivate crime? If something generally acknowledged to be truly heinous was genuinely desired by someone wouldn't they just simulate it? Would a post-scarcity society even produce individuals who desired to commit criminal acts?


red75prime t1_is95pja wrote

Boredom (not everyone can be entertained by no-consequences-whatsoever VR) and the lack of means to do something positively meaningful.


AbeWasHereAgain t1_isabq5v wrote

We are already seeing this. As long as people have a phone in their hands they feel contentment.


darklinux1977 OP t1_is80jzf wrote

>Countries where the citizens are well-educated and healthy have less crime, and with greater technology (including medicine), people are going to become smarter and healthier than ever before, so while I'll probably get criticized for saying something so utopian, I'll say it anyway:
>I think that the singularity will lead to all crime ending this century, within a few decades, and obviously, the sooner that all crime ends, the better it will be for everyone and everything

In the long term , I am of the same opinion , but , but currently , we are in a phase of barbarism , a remake of the fall of Rome , with AI , transhumanism as an attacker and with these entities , the conversation , is not Not possible .

Education is a big topic


Ortus12 t1_is8f0cm wrote

Crime is decreasing in civilization when you zoom out.

This is because civilization has been becoming increasing interconnected at an exponential rate, since humans first evolved facial expressions and emotional vocal noises. The is the same path that single celled organisms used to evolve into more complex multi-cellular organisms. First they transmitted data to each other, then the data they transferred increased in bandwidth, accuracy, and usefulness.

There's no need to eliminate human beings but we will continue to upgrade ourselves with technology. That technology will continue to improve our co-existence and interoperability, and as the band with between brains continues to increase, our harmony.

TLDR: Communication bandwidth go up, Crime go down


darklinux1977 OP t1_is8ocob wrote

>Crime is decreasing in civilization when you zoom out.
>This is because civilization has been becoming increasing interconnected at an exponential rate, since humans first evolved facial expressions and emotional vocal noises. The is the same path that single celled organisms used to evolve into more complex multi-cellular organisms. First they transmitted data to each other, then the data they transferred increased in bandwidth, accuracy, and usefulness.
>There's no need to eliminate human beings but we will continue to upgrade ourselves with technology. That technology will continue to improve our co-existence and interoperability, and as the band with between brains continues to increase, our harmony.
>TLDR: Communication bandwidth go up, Crime go down

at worst controllable: see season 3 of Westworld, kui presents this in a "soft" way


Ortus12 t1_is8qmyc wrote

Definitely. Crime may never go away, but our ability to detect and respond to it is improving.

AGI security guards and police are going to be interesting. AGI criminals may be a thing as well. We may see an arms race between the two.


darklinux1977 OP t1_is8s1of wrote

>Definitely. Crime may never go away, but our ability to detect and respond to it is improving.
>AGI security guards and police are going to be interesting. AGI criminals may be a thing as well. We may see an arms race between the two.

This has already been the case in the past, up to a certain point: seeing the ignorance, it seems, of street corner kids with the link of video surveillance, facial detection etc. yes, there is ethics, but deep learning should not be accused of racism, it only grinds data, it is the cause, not the program


Ortus12 t1_iso8c52 wrote

Deep learning can have racism removed from it. It will produce less accurate results but it won't be racist.

This requires additional programming.


AdorableBackground83 t1_is94nyj wrote

I believe a vast majority of crime would be eliminated if everyone had their basic needs and even wants met in the most optimized way.

Also if they come up from “good” backgrounds that is loving parents/family members that give them copious amounts of love and warmth then chances are that person would not even think about committing any criminal or heinous acts.

Criminals are not born, they’re made. Products of mostly bad backgrounds, and a lack of access to basic needs and wants.


[deleted] t1_is811y2 wrote



darklinux1977 OP t1_is83473 wrote

>If people have implants, they will be tracked everywhere they go, probably as a trade-off for all the instantaneous information. For a Utopian perspective, that’ll drastically reduce crime, but on a dystopian level, it will surrender freedom of choice. Which is your preference?

No need for an implant: there is the smartphone


[deleted] t1_is8cydm wrote



darklinux1977 OP t1_is8o4uy wrote

>Good point. I was just speculating on future technology when the singularity occurs

the singularity will not appear "by magic", but when there will be a correlation of computing power / lower prices / invisibilization of deep learning / infinitesimal cost of data storage


MackelBLewlis t1_is8waap wrote

Earth Ecosystem v0.773b > Earth Ecosystem v1.0

Launch day will remove a lot of bugs.


goldygnome t1_is964d0 wrote

Crime is increasing, but mainly identify theft and financial crime, because it's so easy to carry out remotely.

At the company I work for we recently acquired a cyber security expert. That's not a role that existed before because we just weren't being hit by criminals.

Nobody is being arrested. We don't know who's doing it or where they are or how many they are.

I don't think that's going to change for a long time. When the bad guys get AI their attacks will be on steroids and well have to use AI to defend ourselves.

I think we're just going to have to learn to live with it. It'll only if away if money or poverty goes away.


dnimeerf t1_is9e52b wrote

Yes, this software will mena transparency. It means a private trusted network with trusted vetted users and an untrusted network. Crimes will be isolated to the untrusted network that has no transparency. While the secure private network will have transparency as there will be nothing to hide.


TheSingulatarian t1_isl6z07 wrote

When crime spikes again citizens will acquiesce to technology like facial recognition a gait tracking (identifying someone by how they walk). The criminal wearing a face mask might as well be naked with they're home address tattooed on their chest. Together with return to three strikes sentencing will see a major reduction in crime.