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Kaarssteun t1_isp5ly3 wrote

If you want an extra 2 months of soul wrenching labor while 80% of the population is sipping martinis in a post scarcity UBI program, go for those jobs!


DukkyDrake t1_isqp5zb wrote

Open AI CEO's vision is everyone gets $13,500 every year on their 18th birthday. That's a lot less that some people on welfare used to get, but don't worry, robot labor should make martinis much cheaper.


TheSingulatarian t1_issu9jl wrote

UBI is going to be subsistence level. More swigging Popov Vodka out of a plastic jug in a back alley than cocktails on the beach.


SnowyNW t1_isptrt4 wrote

Fuck. Are you serious? What’s the point of life then if you’re a complete hermit and have no friends or conversations in years? My only hope was a job


Kaarssteun t1_ispwtvs wrote

Not having to work does not equal an inability to work.


SnowyNW t1_isqvaoq wrote

How will status be determined?


GenoHuman t1_isrr1qw wrote

status if that's important to you can still be determined by attractiveness, social circle and personality, it already is in society today.