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3Quondam6extanT9 t1_isw4682 wrote

I appreciate that, but you're not talking to someone who is absent of knowledge on the subject. I have a thick line drawn regarding AI, the singularity, and transhumanism.

My questions come about because I'm trying to decrease the reductionism abound in the AI circles where so many have this misunderstanding of how AI actually functions and will function broadly speaking, across the spectrum of human fields.

For example, you seem to have an understanding of the nuance within the coding industry enough to recognize your field won't be automated, yet have you asked yourself whether you have the understanding of other industries enough to accurately project the influence of AI for them?

I think the biggest red flag is the example of the auto industry. Most people will use it as the prime sampling of how automation will supplant the human interaction.
The truth is that the auto industry is not so straightforward as many think. Along with intentional reduction of automation by some automakers, and smaller niche/custom builds, one finds that a variety of uses for the auto industry is hardly standardized and without human integration.

The point here being that no industry will be fully automated so long as humans exist under the umbrella of said industry. There are many reasons behind this, many of which should be obvious.

So it's still puzzling to me how there continue to be so many chicken littles thinking they understand AI and humanity better than anyone else. The nuance in both is very misunderstood.


kmtrp OP t1_it05umq wrote

>to recognize your field won't be automated

If anything I said software dev is going to get super automated.

I'm not saying everything will be fully automated. What I am saying is that most people whose work is done in a computer will eventually be automated away. And programming seems to be one of the first industries.