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iwasbatman t1_isycnc1 wrote

Hard to know for sure as it is something unprecedented.

IMO the problem is not about technology is about society and economic models. I think there will be a period of upheaval and social unrest like nothing we've seen before but after that a true golden era for humanity will start and will last a long time.

We are programmed to believe we live to work because it has been like that since humans were smart enough to live in groups. Breaking that way of thinking is hard.

There will be a point where work is going to be something people do if they want to but not because they have to.


freeman_joe t1_iszelr6 wrote

We need to first survive climate change, covid and we need to solve dictators, racism and global extremists.


iwasbatman t1_iszq75w wrote

Yeah, I mean if not then automation killing jobs is not an issue.

A lot of current problems will be solved with AI.


iNstein t1_iszu2mx wrote

So........ You cannot eat, cannot work, cannot sleep until these things are dealt with? Strangely I feel that humans can walk and chew gum at the same time. Shock! Horror! We can do more than one thing at a time. But you go put your life on hold until everything is tickity boo in your world view.


freeman_joe t1_it0zmuq wrote

If climate change progresses on fields there won’t be enough food. It is already happening in multiple countries.


iNstein t1_it1ombj wrote

Seems you can't read and comprehend at the same time. Let me try spell this out for you in as simplistic terms as possible.


That does not mean we can only do one thing. We create an automated world with humans not needing to work AND we fix climate change AND we deal with dictators AND we deal with racism AND we deal with global extremist.