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dex3r t1_it06ppe wrote

Given recent advancements in very narrow AI applications, in which ML models are much better (in this narrow task) than human, I would say Singularity could come before AGI/ASI.

I can imagine having most professions replaced by AI. Given we have artists, writers, translators, transcribers, and even therapists almost ready to be replaced by AI, a narrow AI, an almost post-scarcity world could be feasible before anyone figures out how to create AI that will match the average human in all aspects at once.

This is a wild guess not backend by anything else than intuition, of course.


BbxTx t1_it2d35t wrote

This is what I’ve been thinking as well. The huge assortment of narrow and specialized cross domain AI’s will cause a singularity to happen before a mature AGI is realized. I think it will happen soon.