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strangeelement t1_itof2sb wrote

If somehow there is some multiverse out there that can give access to unlimited alternative copies of this world, it would be more worlds than FTL would ever allow. The point of exploring other worlds is to have more and if it's easy to move between them, even large cargo, that beats any spacefaring logistics. Infinite worlds, even if in the same place in spacetime, pretty much accomplishes the best of what FTL is about. Aside from meeting powerful and friendly alien civilizations, which has the risk of meeting powerful and very unfriendly alien civilizations.

So it would be better in terms of real estate and safety, pretty much remove all threats if we can simply move to safe dimensions if anything universe-ending happens, and solve the Fermi paradox. If it's better to have infinite worlds in the same place, no need to slog around in slow spacetime, everyone sticks at their infinite homes.

The holy grail of finding planets is always Earth-like planets and surely copies of Earth are the best you can have, especially if infinite. That would be better than FTL in most aspects. Other than the possibility of hot alien sex, which has the possibility of horrible alien sex.


Gaothaire t1_itofvr6 wrote

There's a sci fi series, The Long Earth, that's like this. One day people learn you can just step sideways to another pristine Earth. Really interesting concept, went on for like 5 books, though I do feel like they didn't do as much with all the ideas they brought up as they could have.


Primus_Pilus1 t1_itols92 wrote

Actually there was huge amount of concept space left on the cutting room floor compared to how that far could be stretched. Hyperdimensional Interstellar Empires and their clashes.


Gaothaire t1_itp2sca wrote

They could clash, or they could treat it as a Star Trek post scarcity utopia. When everyone can have a whole Earth's worth of resources, what's left to fight over. A ruling class starts getting uppity about controlling people to inhumane ends, and you just step 100 Earths widdershins and find yourself a nice Edenic forest, untouched, undeveloped, where you're free to forage and hunt and fish to your heart's content. Live like a real human again.


placebogod t1_itojubv wrote

That just sounds like humans becoming rick sanchez


sheerun t1_itot14o wrote

Rick is metaphor of AGI and Morty is metaphor of humanity following him


sheerun t1_itostd8 wrote

AFAIK for now by definition we can't access it, so no huge chances unless definition changes