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CyberAchilles t1_ittdiih wrote

Delusional? While I agree with you that some people on this sub are a bit off the rails in terms of timelines and technology, The fact that we are automating isn't. But I am guessing you made that statement without doing any research else you wouldn't look like an imbecile at the moment.

Everything is becoming automated in one way or the other. The Car industry is partially automated, Amazon's wharehouses among others, hell even fast food places are (Ordering off a kiosk rather than a cashier) etc. It is plain and simple, Hell you see it everyday if you paid an ounce of attention.

The first jobs to go would be labor intensive and menial tasks that can be easily automated. Other industries will take more time. I am not saying this is going to happen overnight nor within the next 20 years.

To believe itherwise would be Delusional as you put it regardless hpw much you want to believe to the contrary.

Edit. This is based off science and technology. Just in case you think I am saying stuff for the sake of ego. Research it yourself, Its amazing what you can find.


Djaii t1_ittdspy wrote

RemindMe! 5 Years “still no (whatever that clown is proudly announcing is right around the corner)”


CyberAchilles t1_ittf7cs wrote

Lol, I don't believe AGI will be here in 5 years! Nor did I mention it so where do you percieve that I believe that? FYI, I believe it will be in 2050-2065 Just so you know.

Admitting you are wrong is okay, Learn and grow as a person. Acting immature because your ego and statement got proven false makes you look weak and stupid as a person.


Djaii t1_ittffwp wrote

You’re the one in love with your own voice, maybe take a break. Get some air.
