CyberAchilles t1_j4wbgwc wrote
Reply to AI doomers everywhere on youtube by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
If you watch any of the videos, they do bring up valid points on the subject. Mainly, the alignment problem that is a very real issue. It isn't just doom and gloom.
CyberAchilles t1_j4ismbm wrote
Reply to comment by Offgr1d-DIY in When will humans merge with AI by [deleted]
What quality? The human body is so fragile in every way that even the smallest of organisms can kill us. A simple cut could turn into something very deadly.
Do you honestly think an ASI would not design a form better than the human body? One that is more adaptive and better suited to the environment than the human? And what makes you think the ASI would need human structures or human traits?
At this point, if we are going to make the ASI human, might as well just keep having babies. There is absolutely no need and benefit to adapting AI to be human other than ego.
CyberAchilles t1_j4ij1gs wrote
Reply to When will humans merge with AI by [deleted]
Ask yourself this, If you could right now, with no side effects or issues in the future, merge with an ant? A dolphine? a monkey/gorilla?
I'm willing to bet the answer is no because A. We are much more intelligent than them and B. Would offer no benefits to you (plenty of other reasons).
So then ask yourself why an AGI or ASI, being more intelligent than every human in existence, would want to merge with us? What benefit would we give it when it can do everything better and faster?
CyberAchilles t1_j48jaho wrote
Reply to comment by Zakku_Rakusihi in A Singular Trajectory: the Signs of AGI by mjrossman
I'm not being cynical, I am beinga realist.
CyberAchilles t1_j486ug7 wrote
Reply to comment by Zakku_Rakusihi in A Singular Trajectory: the Signs of AGI by mjrossman
The same was said about Fusion energy, about Graphene technology, etc Always a decade away. Prepare to be disappointed when AGI isn't here in a decade.
CyberAchilles t1_j484789 wrote
Reply to comment by TechyDad in What advancements in AI technology will have the biggest impact on our daily lives in the next 5-10 years? by No-Meeting-7740
I can't wait until Ai/machine learning caters drugs to your specific body rather than a generic all-around use drug.
CyberAchilles t1_j3u4jgy wrote
Reply to comment by Redvolition in 2023 Predictions (BUT WITH A POLL!!!) by AgginSwaggin
You forgot the most important part. "I Think". Just because he thinks doesn't mean he is right. I think =/= is true
CyberAchilles t1_j3pkk4p wrote
Reply to comment by questionasker577 in 2023 Predictions (BUT WITH A POLL!!!) by AgginSwaggin
CyberAchilles t1_j3p8fix wrote
Reply to comment by HeinrichTheWolf_17 in "Community" Prediction for General A.I continues to drop. by 420BigDawg_
CyberAchilles t1_j3p8asl wrote
Reply to comment by questionasker577 in 2023 Predictions (BUT WITH A POLL!!!) by AgginSwaggin
None of them have given an exact date other than "soon." Doesn't mean by 2029, however, and they aren't the only leading experts in an entire field of AI research.
CyberAchilles t1_ittfki7 wrote
Reply to comment by Djaii in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
Are you that butthurt? Is your ego that fragile? lol Sad
CyberAchilles t1_ittf7cs wrote
Reply to comment by Djaii in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
Lol, I don't believe AGI will be here in 5 years! Nor did I mention it so where do you percieve that I believe that? FYI, I believe it will be in 2050-2065 Just so you know.
Admitting you are wrong is okay, Learn and grow as a person. Acting immature because your ego and statement got proven false makes you look weak and stupid as a person.
CyberAchilles t1_ittdiih wrote
Reply to comment by Djaii in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
Delusional? While I agree with you that some people on this sub are a bit off the rails in terms of timelines and technology, The fact that we are automating isn't. But I am guessing you made that statement without doing any research else you wouldn't look like an imbecile at the moment.
Everything is becoming automated in one way or the other. The Car industry is partially automated, Amazon's wharehouses among others, hell even fast food places are (Ordering off a kiosk rather than a cashier) etc. It is plain and simple, Hell you see it everyday if you paid an ounce of attention.
The first jobs to go would be labor intensive and menial tasks that can be easily automated. Other industries will take more time. I am not saying this is going to happen overnight nor within the next 20 years.
To believe itherwise would be Delusional as you put it regardless hpw much you want to believe to the contrary.
Edit. This is based off science and technology. Just in case you think I am saying stuff for the sake of ego. Research it yourself, Its amazing what you can find.
CyberAchilles t1_its4bws wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
I disagree, If they could automate it with 100% efficiency and accuracy, they would have. Lets take McDonald's for an example. Why pay 3 different minimum wage employees to work a 24/7 shift when you can have a robot that works 24/7 without pay, without having to have an insuarance policy or potential wcb (workers compensation benefit) or breaks?
I don't know about the states but here minimum wage is 15. 15 x 24 is 360 so as long as it is economically feasible, they would definitely be replaced in an instant.
CyberAchilles t1_iry92ka wrote
Reply to comment by Sashinii in How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
Debatable. Plus we won't ever see it in our lifetime so either way whether it becomes reality or not, we won't be around to see it.
CyberAchilles t1_iry5g30 wrote
Reply to comment by Sashinii in How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
I wish I had a dollar for everytime you mentioned Nanofactory. I'd be richer than Elon musk by this point.
CyberAchilles t1_ir3g8az wrote
Reply to How Can We Profit From A.I.? by nexus3210
According to this sub: " MoNeY wIlL be IrRelEvaNt in ThE FutUre" blah blah blah.
The real answer: You can't, at least not directly. Your best bet would be to invest in public companies (Like Google) who are investing in AI.
CyberAchilles t1_je93a1x wrote
Reply to comment by Setty96 in How long do you think until AI can create full projects by itself with little to no human input? Like video editing, animation, programming? by PlayerofLifeandGames
What an Asinine and ridiculous comment. How is that supposed to save the planet? How is that going to stop CO2 emissions, stop our ocean current from collapsing, stop desertification, and clean up the monumental amount of pollution in our cities and countrysides? How does creating a video in "4k, 60fps" going to reverse climate change? stop a complete ecological collapse?
It isn't and "preserving our culture" means jack shit when our planet is no longer liveable. Just stop and think before posting such stupid and ridiculous comments.