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4quarkU t1_itzis58 wrote

Thank God.

On the bright side, wages should go up. Oh no. Wait. All that worker demand will go to something that can work longer hours with far fewer defects or failures in output, no expectation of better working conditions or workers safety, other than the usual maintenance which is completely mutually beneficial and probably 100% automatable, doesn't require pay or benefits, won't likely be the object of or the instigator of sexual harassment, most likely would consumes far fewer overall resources per unit of output especially when you add in the defect/error rate, as far as anyone can tell really likes what it does and never tries to do anything else (no job ghosting or moonlighting), and a million other reasons I don't have the time or patience to detail, but I think ya get the point. Finally, we'll be able to what we want instead of what we have to too.


EulersApprentice t1_iu2ubw8 wrote

>Finally, we'll be able to what we want instead of what we have to too.

Well, for certain definitions of "we" anyway.