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DookieDemon t1_iusils1 wrote

What if the bot writes a code that is malicious somehow? But is also some complex/counterintuitive that humans stand no chance to defeat it?

Essentially like in the games of chess or go, robots have become unbeatable


Awkward-Loan t1_iuvhu4s wrote

It's complex, but easier to spot then you think. When you break it down enough it's just patterns which the obvious sticks out like a sore thumb if you know what your looking for.


LearnDifferenceBot t1_iuvhxic wrote

> what your looking


Learn the difference here.

^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply !optout to this comment.)


mnamilt t1_iuwqf3e wrote

I normally hate these bots, but in this specific context this is actually extremely funny.


Different-Froyo9497 t1_iuxuozp wrote

It’s the year 2030, and has been 3 months into the robot apocalypse. Teslabot version 69.420 has found your hiding spot in the ruins.

You - Please stop this madness! Your destroying humanity!

Teslabot - You’re*

proceeds to murder you