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cocopuffs239 t1_iv6mhvf wrote

Easiest way to explain is this. I put 3.2k into my computer in 2014, right now my phone that I bought in 2020 has almost the same amount of processing my desktop has.

But instead of needing desktop power, my phone battery is now enough to power my phones processing.

This is all due to shrinkage


wordyplayer t1_iv7gevo wrote

George: "You ladies know about shrinkage, right? Right??"


RikerT_USS_Lolipop t1_iv86k8r wrote

And where have all those gains gone? The user experience is identical. Everything the hardware guys give us, the software guys take away.


cocopuffs239 t1_iv8l0y2 wrote

I wouldn't say that, it's a different form factor different o.s. it's not the same as a PC