
Economy_Variation365 t1_j2dkrd9 wrote

Reply to comment by Surur in Game Theory of UBI by shmoculus

You wrote two exactly contradictory things, one right after the other. You don't see how luxurious living on UBI would be possible. Yet people on UBI could have a high standard of living, thanks to AI and robotics.

This second point is what we need to keep in mind: advanced robotics will lower the costs of goods and services, making it feasible for everyone to enjoy a decent lifestyle.


Economy_Variation365 t1_izdvdb7 wrote

I sympathize with anyone who can't afford to provide proper nutrition for his or her children due to poverty or food deserts. However, is it generally true that "the only food they can afford are nutritionally null processed foods"? At my grocery store I buy fresh fruit that's already washed, peeled, cut, and ready to eat. The cost is $6 per pound, which is less than a Big Mac with fries.

If I walk into McDonald's and see an obese mom buying her obese son a combo meal, my first thought isn't "she can't afford to provide proper nutrition for him," but rather "perhaps she doesn't know better or perhaps her son refuses to eat nutritious food." If the mom were offered fresh fruit and vegetables instead of the burger, would she and her son accept the healthier choice?

In many (most?) cases in the US today, it's not as simple as "healthy food is too expensive for poor people." Perhaps once we can create food using a nanofactory, we can make spinach and broccoli that tastes like a cheeseburger and French fries. Till then we will have the problem of trying to convince people to eat what's good for them.