AI_Enjoyer87 t1_ivmlzo4 wrote
Good article. Hoping consumer capitalism doesn't destroy us completely. Maybe we will be the creators and won't be the victims of increasingly personal manipulation. Not sure how we can avoid this tho.
Sashinii t1_ivmswd4 wrote
Future technologies (such as AI for the creation of robot waifus and perovskite solar cells for the electricity) will enable everyone to become self-sustaining, so even full dive VR won't cause a capitalistic robot waifu dystopia.
A real life comparison to such a shit show is the gacha game medium, which often involves people spending money for a chance to acquire outfits for anime characters; this is a form of gambling that will become obsolete when AI is capable of editing all media.
Also, contrary to popular belief, not everyone who is infatuated with animated characters is lonely or depressed; a lot of people (such as myself) really do just like 2D and dislike 3D.
Cr4zko t1_ivor8bc wrote
But goddamn man when the hell will it arrive? I can't take my life anymore!
throwaway764586893 t1_ivsk8xw wrote
The mainstream university experts still say at least 50-100 years to real AI.
botfiddler t1_ivtymnb wrote
Free hardware and software designs?
botfiddler t1_ivtyst2 wrote
Well, work on it yourself...
botfiddler t1_ivuvr31 wrote
The article doesn't mention the idea of open source aka free hardware designs and software as the obvious solution. Also, women are probably not attracted to a robot guy without a job and they are already covered with tools. It's guys who want a humanoid animated doll. Some wrong conclusions there. Not really a good article.
Akimbo333 t1_ivxenj6 wrote
Well it depends on the women. In the East and more conservative countries I'm inclined to agree with you! But in the West most women can support themselves and so they may want a bot lol!!!
botfiddler t1_ivxxl4z wrote
In the manosphere this is a topic. These independent women are chasing just even more successful and better looking guys. I doubt that buying a robot would be a good alternative for them. They are also the ones projecting shame into men doing this. Well, we will see...
Akimbo333 t1_ivy48lw wrote
Wow now that is interesting!!! And yeah I do agree that they shame them! But when you can get it at home then who cares what other women will think lol! But women might want one to do chores or other things!
expelten t1_ivz0dhr wrote
Yes, men in general in a subconscious way are looking to replace women with machines while women don't want to replace men with machines. For women, robots will be a new tool to help them with chores while men will most likely consider robots as their life companions. What I'm saying can be controversial and It's also not the case for everyone of's only a generality, but all this has to do with how men and women have different emotional needs and therefore perceive reality in a fundamentally different way when it comes to love, social life, and relationships.
Considering all such a future women are much more likely to be depressed/unsatisfied than men because the high-tech market is currently driven by man's desires and therefore as an indirect consequence the world will be more shaped for them.
Akimbo333 t1_iw10wsy wrote
That is an interesting perspective!
federykx t1_iwcaeis wrote
Best I can offer today is using your hand to rhytmically fap to Koikatsu along with the Anime girl through an Oculus Quest 2 connected to a PC with an RTX 3060.
Of course if you're rich then you can build up a better VR rig by buying a Varjo headset (3500$ plus 2000$ annual software subscription), a top spec PC (4000-5000$), an automatic masturbator with a bluetooth connection (200$), a thrust deepness detecting masturbator (200$), force feedback VR gloves (not really on sale but you can build your own with 100$ more or less). This will allow you to basically be jacked off by your PC automatically, or have your PC pick up your thrusts and translate them into the game, all the while being able to more or less feel with your hands.
CremeEmotional6561 t1_ivmhrbw wrote
>My Robot Wife. The Future of Human-AI relationships | by Victor Hogrefe | Nov, 2022 | Medium
The Stepford Wives. The Past of Human-AI relationships | by Ira Levin | Sep, 1972 | Random House