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rixtil41 t1_iw9jso4 wrote

I thought you can't objectively measure consciousness.


Singularian2501 OP t1_iw9mksu wrote

Lets say science detemines in the future that consciousness is just thoughts about thoughts ( Higher oder Theory ) then you could look after that pattern or functionality in artifical neural networks and this way determine if that machine is conscious or not. In a way there a possible consciousness patterns that need to be determined if the are valid or a few of them together ( the ones I prefer ( Infografic ) in combination are a logical answer to me ) . After that you only need to look after these patterns in machine intelligences or other live forms. It´s only pattern matching and validation after that. I don´t accept magic or metaphysic as an answer for consciousness because metaphysic will become just physic when the definitive answer is found what consciousness is.


Scientific_Thinking t1_iwbswzq wrote

anyone who implies consciousness is metaphysical or something beyond observable science is just a bufoon.


-ZeroRelevance- t1_iwbhz19 wrote

Not right now. That’s the point of having a rigorous Theory of Consciousness - it should allow us to measure consciousness so we can figure out just how conscious a thing is, whatever that ends up meaning. An example would be showing how a fly is less conscious than a bird which is less conscious than a dog, if that ends up being the case.


Singularian2501 OP t1_iw9neym wrote

I prefer: Identity Theory, Cognitivism, Higher Order Theory and Funktionalism

These theories single or in combination could explain consciousness in my opinion. But in the end the science community has to decide how valid this and other patters are. After that we should be able to look for consciousness in machine intelligences and other liveforms. ( Added this comment for clearification of the other comment I made moments ago. I hope that helps. )