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t1_iwbthzt wrote

Bro... the first image gives it away so fast. Just zoom on the eyes. They are fuuuucked lmao

Edit: and that shnoze... Jesus


t1_iwdnul5 wrote

I think it's kind of funny that we've already forgotten that human artwork can also be wonky and imperfect, to the same extent as the eyes and nose you pointed out. Anyone who says it's obvious that it's AI created is full of shit. It's "obvious" because it's an article about it being an AI-generated comic. If a friend told you "here's a few panels from a cool comic I just read" and sent them to you without any context you wouldn't have the first solitary clue it was AI.


t1_iwe9tl1 wrote

>If a friend told you "here's a few panels from a cool comic I just read" and sent them to you without any context you wouldn't have the first solitary clue it was AI.

Saying things dont make them true.


t1_iweai9l wrote

You're right, but saying true things does make them true. Waste of time to argue though, almost never seen a shred of intellectual honesty from self-proclaimed techno-skeptics and I doubt that I ever will.


t1_iwh885s wrote

>almost never seen a shred of intellectual honesty from self-proclaimed techno-skeptics and I doubt that I ever will.

You want honesty while providing none of your own?

Suck my fucking balls.