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Nieshtze t1_iwihjk2 wrote

I think that we can safely assume that unless there is a revolution in the field of AI, the current paradigms won't be sufficient to create a true AGI that puts us and our jobs at risk.


drsimonz t1_iwk7bor wrote

lol what??? GPT-3, if properly product-ized, could already replace millions of peoples' jobs. Even if no one ever publishes another ML paper, the tech will be diffusing into the economy for the next decade or 3. Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are likely going to massacre the concept art industry in the next few years. The fact is we really don't need AGI for massive societal impact. Narrow AI is more than sufficient.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_iwl79of wrote

Assuming that AGI won't be here any time soon is a big mistake.

That's like saying "Hey guys, let's forget about the alignment problem since AGI won't be created for centuries."