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rixtil41 t1_ix3fxl6 wrote

Reply to comment by rixtil41 in 2023 predictions by ryusan8989


  1. Still no AGI but big improvements again

  2. MIX reailty headsets is seeing a shift over smartphones.

  3. Same prediction but a lot more robot cars or level 4

  4. Same with Quantum computer


  1. Still no AGI but big improvements again but close to AGI

2.MIx reailty headsets are starting to rival smartphones in terms of popularity. A lot more people compared to 2022 are wanting the next or a mix headset instead of a smartphone.

  1. Same as 2024

  2. Same as 2024


  1. AGI for the first time happens.

  2. Smartphones are no longer the number one device for the first time. More people want a mix headset over a smartphone .

  3. 50/50 of self driving level 5

  4. Same no quantum computer replacement


  1. AGI is becoming a service or open source so 50/50

  2. Even as mixed headsets are now going to predictably replace smartphones when it comes to uses, smartphones are not going down without a fight in this transition. The simplicity of a smartphone is what is slowing down the headsets.

  3. Self driving level 5 80% confident

  4. Same as before


  1. If AGI comes true rather it be a service or open source in 2027 than in 2028 I predict it will soon be implemented in other areas in the robotics and all other industries to the point where a replacement to the current economy is taken a lot more seriously.

  2. Companies are announcing or implying that they will soon discontinue there smartphones. Majority of people are now using headsets.

  3. More level 5

  4. Same


  1. New economy is taking place