Submitted by CookiesDeathCookies t3_z15xdt in singularity
Emergency-Cry-5569 t1_ixa053t wrote
Reply to comment by AI_Enjoyer87 in How much time until it happens? by CookiesDeathCookies
do you know which jobs should I pursue and be first?
AI_Enjoyer87 t1_ixa2irx wrote
Jobs probably won't be a thing in the long-term. Do whatever makes you happy and helps others in the meantime. Once a company can automate your labour for less it will do it. Hopefully we can have UBI and people can have enough money to buy what they need. Companies still need people to buy products even if labour can be cheaply automated.
PyreOfDeath97 t1_ixbkmgw wrote
I went into automation for this reason, and the jobs are going fast. The rise of Software as a Service platforms have enabled clients to streamline their employee base down to a few people who use the software to input some details and liaise with our company, but soon even they will be made redundant. I’m hoping my sector will be one of the last to go, since we’re the ones effectively creating the level of automation that can do someone’s job for them
Seattle2017 t1_ixbc1s0 wrote
I don't see UBI happening in the US. Hard to say how far other democracies would go. The US has our own crazy delusional "social safety nets are a terrible thing" going on. I can't see the much more conservative US older generation ever voting for it (I almost wrote "allowing it"). The us is in a near fight with itself anyway, it will take a good amount of time before the younger generations take their place politically. After more and more jobs are lost to automation, how will people support themselves.? And how would the govt pay for more welfare? It doesn't matter if everything is suddenly much cheaper, it still costs something. My suspicion is this would be a time of extreme social turmoil, much more than now. It could be like the time of the Luddites resisting automation in textiles (
This wholesale death of large numbers of jobs already looks to be happening just from electric cars replacing large numbers of mechanics, companies that design and manufacture internal combustion drive trains, alternators, emission inspection stations, mufflers, tune-ups, that will all be gone in a little over 10 years. It's certain that cars will go to electric, 5 million people will lose jobs in the us. Imagine how angry that will make blue collar america. And this won't even take any advancements over where we are today, no AI advancements are needed. Add on top of that the end of trucking as an occupation, the large industry that has truck stops and local jobs across the US, repairs and maintains diesel trucks (self driving trucks can take over between big cities). Yes, it will be great to avoid the need for that grinding long-haul hard job, but there aren't new jobs for those people.
AI_Enjoyer87 t1_ixcbstt wrote
It will definitely happen in the US even if it takes longer than Europe for example. Older generations aren't dumb. They don't want their children and their grandchildren out of money. If there are really no jobs they will vote for UBI like everyone else. Politicians who embrace these changes will be enormously popular (most of them already believe in the same ideology guiding the WEF and their preparation for the technological advancements that are inevitable). Those who don't currently support these developments will change their views according to what will get them elected or they will become politically irrelevant as these changes will effect everyone from left to right.
Freds_Premium t1_ixak5ao wrote
There won't be an economy. Everything you need will be free essentially?
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