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Vehks t1_ixf7bbs wrote

>is an echo chamber for depression.

Broski, every sub on this site is an echo chamber onto itself. It's just what social media devolves into in general and reddit is really bad about this in particular.

I mean, if you really want to point that finger then this sub is not immune to that very same criticism either, half the time it is a techno-optimist hopium chamber and even members of this sub have to reign in some of the other more ,shall we say, 'spirited' posters because they go hog wild with the whole "AGI by 10 am tomorrow!" shtick.

We have met the enemy and he is us. Humans like to surround themselves with like minded people, while denouncing people with dissenting opinions regardless of the facts, which usually lie somewhere in the middle.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ixfc67h wrote

I never said this sub isn't an echo chamber. I said that r/collapse is an echo chamber for depression.


Vehks t1_ixfezpz wrote

My point was that is not a totally fair assessment.

Yes, there are the terminally depressed who frequent that site, but there are also people who post relevant and factual information as well as offer well thought out analysis to current events. To simply write everyone on that sub off as "doomers" would be the same as writing everyone off on this sub as "hopium addicts".

Do you get where I'm coming from? Painting with broad brushes like this really doesn't do most communities justice and to be fair our current situation is very much in a precarious state.

It could go either way, maybe technology will usher in a new age of prosperity, or humanity can drop the ball entirely and screw everything up. Nothing is set in stone at this point.