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Surur t1_j1u5zku wrote

> since people tend to be quite skeptic when I tell them that.

So you should be aware already that your experience is an exception, and can not be generalized to the majority as a solution.

For the majority, cars work much better. 81% of families have cars in France and 69% commute by car.

Of course in Paris most people commute by PT, but people hate it.

> A survey, carried out by French jobs website RegionsJob, has revealed that a whopping 76 percent of Parisians and people living in the Paris region are willing to take a pay cut to avoid the hassle of their daily commute.


Tencreed t1_j1u6hpr wrote

Of course, my case is an exception, France is an ultra-centralized country, with Paris reaching population densities way higher than anywhere else. The thing is I live there, people I talk to live there, so yeah, we're in an exceptional situation, where the most straightforward solution used everywhere else might not apply here. As I wrote before, cars will always be in need in some areas. Some others can do better with less of them.