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HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0jmth3 wrote

A world with less scarcity 😎


PrivateLudo t1_j0mf9z1 wrote

We’ve been saying that the world would have less scarcity for decades now but the middle class are poorer than they were back in the 60s. Affording a house is impossible now. Food price is through the roof yet we’ve never produced so much resources in human history. Farming equipments are more efficient than ever


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0mfvnq wrote

Capital/Net Worth inequality is different than the amount of actual produce available though. We have more than enough food to feed everyone and enough homes to house everyone, it’s just not distributed fairly.


PrivateLudo t1_j0mgwf1 wrote

I dont see how things will be distributed fairly anytime soon


Equivalent-Ice-7274 t1_j0pritl wrote

That’s because of all of the anti-middle class economic changes that the republicans implemented during the last 50 years.


botfiddler t1_j0jw8gz wrote

  • Less scarcity in entertainment and media content.
  • Less scarcity in cheap workers, including educated ones with debt.
  • Less scarcity in services which can be done or supported by such AI.

Edit: Extension


sumane12 t1_j0kd1nw wrote

You don't think AI will be used in areas that we use on a day to day basis? Food production, energy supply, housing production.

Seems like you're comment was kinda cynical, AI will benefit us more than it will hurt us.


botfiddler t1_j0kgkkt wrote

I was referring to the headline: Generative AI, hype. It's about the current content production.


glaster t1_j0mn62n wrote

The absolute lack of scarcity is a world without a need for workers. Do your shades still fit you? 😎


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0mne86 wrote

Yep, the struggle to survive will be gone. Based 😎


glaster t1_j0o7ko6 wrote

Or they will get rid of excess means of production through war or attrition.