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0913856742 t1_j0kctz0 wrote

This is succinct and correct. What's left is freedom.

Freedom from the profit motive controlling our lives.

Freedom to spend the one life we have on the pursuits and connections we actually care about, freedom to explore the full spectrum of human experience, instead of wasting it on human drudgery, fighting each other for just enough scraps to survive another day, just to do it again.

This technology offers us freedom.


ILikePracticalGifts t1_j0ltio6 wrote

> fighting each other for just enough scraps to survive another day, just to do it again.

Bro you’re browsing Reddit. You don’t know what a scrap is.


0913856742 t1_j0lykku wrote

And you are presumptuous. I encourage you to not assume you know everyone's lived experiences.

/edit: I find it amusing that this user blocked immediately afterward. A quick look at their posting history shows how deliberately aggressive and immature they are.


ILikePracticalGifts t1_j0m0bhy wrote

No, I will be.

Because if you actually went from “fighting each other for just enough scraps to survive another day”, to browsing Reddit for entertainment, you wouldn’t have made a comment like that in the first place.