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Sashinii t1_j11zgfp wrote

Nothing. If AI is truly transformative (which it will be), there won't be economic systems in 2040.


[deleted] t1_j126jr6 wrote

I’m more interested in GDP distribution.


epSos-DE t1_j12eml6 wrote

GDP per capita is not same as income, because the outperformers like AI will earn 1000X more than an average person.


ShowerGrapes t1_j12f8vw wrote

with any luck the term "gdp per capita trajectory" will lose all meaning


CriticalPolitical t1_j131k2k wrote

I think scarcity will exist at some level for some items. The question is if we should just let AI decide on if or how the original Honus Wagner baseball cards should be distributed or anything else that is scarce should be distributed. I think most of the economic aspect of society we see right now will fall away though.


CriticalPolitical t1_j131ra0 wrote

I don’t know how this might work, but perhaps each person should get 1 iRobot at birth and it start working the exact moment it comes out of the womb (or perhaps at conception?)


CriticalPolitical t1_j13anwq wrote

I mean, intrinsically as long as there are non fungible items with demand I believe scarcity will exist. I have encountered this argument many times with socialists and communists and while I do believe that through advertising you can psychologically create more demand for a product simply by showing it more and making people more aware of it, I don’t think the same thinking applies to things like original stamps similar to this 1908 Benjamin Franklin stamp. Not only that, but there is only a finite amount of oceanfront property for people to live and some people insist on living in specific areas. While I do think AI will help mediate situations like this, I don’t think it will ever be able to truly abolish scarcity. Everyone has preferences, even you…and if you prefer something that many others also prefer (and are willing to pay for) there will be intrinsic value in it. Value is subjective, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j13ez8f wrote

This is exactly the point. We create scarcity.

Like why do I need oceanfront property? This is a case of relative deprivation. I need it, because others have it and I have learned that it is good to have it. (I personally think it’s horrible to have it, the least future-oriented land ownership ever lol)

Or why do I need the one specific stamp (or in my case it would be „one specific dog breed that is not only rare but also kinda not fully allowed in my country and also not allowed to be exported from the country it originates from - and let me tell you, I got that dog)? Because I learned that it exists. Because I learned that it is good! From others. Also a case of relative deprivation.

But I do get what you say actually. And of course your argumentation is valid.

I just like presenting chicken with plucked feathers as humans, if you know what I mean 🏺🐕


DaggerShowRabs t1_j13wag0 wrote

Well, value would still be created, it's just the means of measuring might be different.

Instead of being based on arbitrary monetary values, maybe it's measured against joules of energy units or something?


Snoo-27212 t1_j13zonx wrote

It is possible that the adoption of AI could lead to an increase in GDP (gross domestic product) in the long term. GDP is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced in an economy over a given period of time, and AI has the potential to contribute to this by increasing efficiency and productivity in various industries.

For example, AI could be used to automate certain tasks, which could lead to cost savings for businesses and allow them to produce more goods and services at a lower cost. AI could also be used to improve decision-making and optimize business processes, leading to increased competitiveness and potentially higher profits.

However, it is important to note that the impact of AI on GDP will depend on a variety of factors, including the extent to which it is adopted, the specific industries in which it is used, and how it is implemented. It is also possible that the adoption of AI could lead to job displacement in some industries, which could have negative implications for GDP in the short term.


Quealdlor t1_j147j5v wrote

World GDP in 2037 will be 2x higher than in 2022.