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Sashinii t1_j2ep0ix wrote

I doubt it'll happen this fast, but I hope computer simulations accelerate the drug discovery process so dramatically that regenerative medicine is finally widespread in hospitals next year.


pre-DrChad t1_j2eup26 wrote

It won’t because it has to make it through clinical trials. It might bring a lot more drugs/therapies into the pipeline though


Sashinii t1_j2fck9f wrote

Computer simulations will accelerate clinical trials, but probably not fast enough for 2023.


pre-DrChad t1_j2ffcut wrote

Yeah but to make it to hospitals they need to go through 3 phases of human clinical trials by current standards, which can take up to a decade.

In the future we may be able to simulate human trials but that technology is not present currently


Felix_Dzerjinsky t1_j2fls54 wrote

Also, beyond technology there's legality. And those things move much slower.


PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fd0k8 wrote

That’s why reforming the FDA needs to be priority #1. The good news is that we just made huge progress regarding the FDA process. It is now a lot easier to skip animal trials and do human trials.


pre-DrChad t1_j2ff3vr wrote

Yes in silico models will help greatly with this. With AGI we could develop in silico models pretty fast


SufficientPie t1_j2fkx46 wrote

Are you … not familiar with the reasons why we do animal trials? o_O


PhilosophusFuturum t1_j2fll8l wrote

I am; but having safe medicines be able to go straight to human trials is still huge


JVM_ t1_j2f3i99 wrote

All our systems that a slow human in the process are ripe for AI. AI probably won't take over completely but if AI can do the job 10 to 100x faster, the number of people you need to do a job shrinks dramatically.


Talkat t1_j2ftxnr wrote

I agree.. but I think id rather have AI reviewing scans and results first


lil_intern t1_j2fimae wrote

Why would you doubt it happening fast AI doesn’t seem to be progressing slowly at the moment