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AdorableBackground83 t1_ize6j58 wrote

The transition will not be easy whatsoever.

The monetary-market system aka capitalism has to fail in order for vast amounts of people to lose faith in their so called leaders.

And unfortunately mass suffering is usually the main initiator for social change.

So don’t be surprised if we see a steep rise in poverty, homelessness, crime and other negative public health factors.

It doesn’t have to be this way. But our moron politicians (besides Yang) are stuck in the 18th century and have no idea how to adapt to an ever changing world.

Ideas like UBI are good short term solutions to at least decrease instability and improve public health somewhat. But ultimately we need a new radical idea that would tremendously benefit humanity forever.

A resource based economy (RBE) as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement and Venus Project is the true goal.

A society based on the intelligent management of earths resources to benefit every human needs and raise the standard of living so high that people in the long future will look back at us in disgust at how stupid and how primitive we were.


asschaos OP t1_izeffif wrote

The transition will be long and arduous. I also follow TVP and TZM. But there are billions of people on the Earth and practically no one is prepared or will understand what to do.