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ShowerGrapes t1_j1b9j4c wrote

it seems to me that a vr simulation of a historical figure should be the same as a portrayal in a movie. i mean isn't that what it is basically? sure you get to feel like you're right next to him but he isn't acting any different toward you than he is to me. perhaps that will become a reality that goes along with celebrity. or maybe every one of us will be in someone's world, mother or father, best friend who's away, whatever. i guess it's the price of admission right? you want that than you have to give up your own tether to a virtual reality version of yourself.


ShowerGrapes t1_j1ba5ty wrote

as for the other stuff, agan i imagine it will be even more strict than in movies just because it's so much more immersive. the thing is, since there are no rating systems possible for on-the-fly procedurally generated narrative the onus will be on the filters.

we've already begun to see hilarious ways people have circumvented those filters and got risque stuff by implication.

don't they say that's where art is? in the limitations of the medium? if it was perfectly replicable wouldn't we just have a slightly different version of reality? like looking literally through a window into another world. you can't really interact with it, not corporeally, all you can do is make your mirror-image hands interact with it.