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TheDavidMichaels t1_j26u196 wrote

Listen, buddy, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. First of all, the directors are good at politics and nothing else. Most of them sleep their way to the top, while the talented geniuses toil in labs for relatively low pay. The fact that you're shilling for the corporate media pretty much sums up the fact that you're either not very bright or just plain evil.


TheDavidMichaels t1_j26u6bq wrote

good luck with playing the victim I am sure it works with the ladies.


elysios_c t1_j28ecz9 wrote

If you think that you are so shit at directing you cant even understand the gap between you and them. I hope you are young so there's some room to improve because otherwise good luck with life. I should have known it was delusional of grandeur thinking that somehow you are an undiscovered talent and you don't need to put in the hours, you just need an AI to make a movie with your "unique" ideas. LOL