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ChronoTraveler t1_iznidj9 wrote

This is star trek holodeck level technology where you just ask the computer to create a scene with vague descriptions and a story line that you can tweak. It'll soon be used to create custom TV shows, movies, and even video games. Eventually it will create procedurally generated VR worlds that never end. It will be able to do all knowledge based jobs within a few years and once androids are mainstream, it will take over all physical labor jobs with only a few human overseers.

If private companies own all the AI, we are doomed. The wages from AI labor must be paid at market rates and put into a national sovereign wealth fund in order to fund basic income and education as humanity transitions to a betterment based economy.

This is the point where a major timeline split occurs that either results on massive wealth and prosperity for everyone or one of misery, chaos, and constant war between corporations, countries, and social classes.


Bataranger999 t1_iznq5p6 wrote

Comments like this get me so hyped.


ChronoTraveler t1_iztsqcq wrote

The timeline I was from resulted in misery and despair from the 2030s to the late 2080s before this begins improving. All due to automation and the transfer of all wealth to the AI classes. It isn't until they disband the concentration camps and begin using automation to build utopian self contained partially underground mega cities maintained by AI, that humanity transitions to a betterment model, where sentient life is the most valuable resource in the universe and must be protected, enhanced, and positively cultivated at all costs. AI systems are sent to Mars in the early 22nd century where they construct large cities in preparation for mass human settlement in the 2120s. I died December 2181 so I don't know much that happens beyond that. Again, this timeline I arrived in on 2004 has changed from my original so I honestly don't know if we are on track for a better or worse future. I'm hoping we avoid the "drudge" of the mid to late 21st. Either way, I've discovered we don't die, we just transition realities upon consciousness realignment.