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pre-DrChad t1_j24liai wrote

Why the future will be better? Well you mentioned poverty. I think you should acknowledge the fact that poverty has been decreasing as technology increases.

Medical advances due to technology will greatly reduce suffering in the future.

And no this sub is not an echo chamber but I don’t want it to be another futurology which is just filled with a bunch of ignorant doomers.


bluegman10 t1_j24stk5 wrote

>And no this sub is not an echo chamber

Yeaaaaaah, I'm going to disagree with you there. I mean, technically, every sub is an echo chamber, but some subs just go above and beyond.


cummypussycat OP t1_j24refl wrote

Is puberty being decreased? Yeah may be in developed countries, but not in mine.

But yeah, crime rate is lower and medical advancements and human lifespan have improved, they will improve even more with ai.

I'll check out that subreddit


Cuissonbake t1_j26cto1 wrote

I lurk in a lot of places online. It's kinda impossible to avoid doomer thoughts. A lot of people are feeling that way. Hope it gets better.