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Cryptizard t1_j2dhlmy wrote

My point is that you made a completely vacuous statement. Take any set of data, pick the median and say “durrr I guess 50% of the people know something the other 50% don’t.” It means literally nothing.


kmtrp OP t1_j2digyh wrote

I didn't make a spontaneous statement, indeed it would've been nonsensical. It was a reply to your "It's almost like they know there are a lot of unsolved problems" implying that excited people here don't take those into account, no? But according to the poll, if you were right, half of that same set of experts wouldn't take those into account either, arbitrarily deciding that the experts voting for >2061AGI simply "know how it actually works" ; which I assume it coincidentally lines up with your beliefs. I'm sure you believe you "know how it actually works" too, yes?

edit: to be clearer, it's an idiotic response on purpose to highlight your idiotic comment, as in no true scotmman fallacy.


Cryptizard t1_j2dje9r wrote

Wtf are you talking about. I was comparing he results of the survey to the opinions on THIS sub, which are largely ASI before 2040 (check the survey posts if you don’t believe me). You are the one that fixated on 2060, which as I said is a meaningless divide in the data.


kmtrp OP t1_j2djn9l wrote

I know that's what you are comparing to, I wrote it in the comment you just replied to mate. You didn't understand it I think, but it's not important. Happy new year.