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Jalen_1227 t1_j2vauw4 wrote

Well Adderall has a lot of downsides anyway. I fucking hate the comedown


diamondsinmymouth t1_j2wpnob wrote

I don't get a comedown, oddly. I take weekends off and I feel some residual positive effects, like increased motivation and mental acuity. I take it regularly now.

Back in the day, I'd take it only occasionally to study or on tour. I would get very exhausted and sometimes sick. Might just be a tolerance thing, or you took too much?


2Punx2Furious t1_j2wxgfc wrote

What if you stop taking it for a while? Have you tried? Did you feel withdrawal?


diamondsinmymouth t1_j2x281h wrote

Never had w/d back in the day. Haven't stopped for any appreciable amt of time since I got the script a month ago. Been a game-changer though.


2Punx2Furious t1_j2x4lj5 wrote

Ah, just a month ago? I would like to see results also in the long term. Maybe in 6 months or so. RemindMe! 6 months