Submitted by TBabb01 t3_10m178l in singularity
Class-Concious7785 t1_j60uusq wrote
> That is all just western propaganda. The Soviet Union is still the greatest country in the world, and I am still the greatest leader in history. How can the Western world be trusted when they constantly lie about communist nations?
Based, and seriously - why would you trust what the corporate media and the Western governments, for whom communism is an existential threat, have to say about socialist states?
headypete42033 t1_j61svri wrote
the amount of hatred and vitrol to hitler's national socialist state is pretty fucked up. stalin's famines were just famines and the jews in camps couldnt get food because of supply lines being bombed.
skinniks t1_j63lkh0 wrote
> the amount of hatred and vitrol to hitler's national socialist state is pretty fucked up
Jesus Franklin Christ
How to say you support the trucker protests without saying you support the trucker protests for 500, Alex.
Class-Concious7785 t1_j65idp7 wrote
> I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person — with exceptions due to human weaknesses — has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble-rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and 17
> I ask of you that that which I say to you in this circle be really only heard and not ever discussed. We were faced with the question: what about the women and children? – I decided to find a clear solution to this problem too. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men – in other words, to kill them or have them killed and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be made to have this people disappear from the earth.
- Heinreich Himmler, 1943
If you are unironically saying the Holocaust wasn't intentional, or that it was "faked" or exaggerated, you have either been lied to, or you are maliciously spreading Nazi propaganda, as I have seen multiple neo-nazis outright admit that Holocaust denial is nothing but a propaganda tactic
headypete42033 t1_j66yo9g wrote
Why no mention of the Kulak's?!
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66z92r wrote
The Kulaks were a class, not an ethnicity
[deleted] t1_j696sy1 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6973xe wrote
Bending definitions and obsessively going through all of my comments, typical Consaine
How are you enjoying your mom's basement?
[deleted] t1_j697cn0 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j697zty wrote
For someone who makes such a big deal about being a PROUD ROMANIAN, you don't seem to care much about actually living there
[deleted] t1_j69856d wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j698asq wrote
Unlike me, you have Schengen
[deleted] t1_j698eum wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j698us4 wrote
And? You can still easily go to Hungary, and seeing as you claim to have been born in Romania, and therefore a citizen, you should be able to get through the Romanian border with relative ease
[deleted] t1_j69a9yb wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69g82h wrote
I meant going through, not living there, but clearly you have no reading comprehension skills
[deleted] t1_j69holn wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69ikdp wrote
For such a PROUD ROMANIAN, you seem rather reluctant to go to the country you are supposedly so proud of
[deleted] t1_j69jlqh wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69k48i wrote
Then why are you obsessed with making sure everyone knows about how Romanian you are?
[deleted] t1_j69nm4u wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69onc3 wrote
All of your "credibility" goes down the toilet when you start trying to claim that fascism was actually syndicalism and that Hitler was a communist
[deleted] t1_j69pwdq wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69q1ns wrote
Actually, I clearly recall you claiming that Hitler was a "Marxist" at some point
[deleted] t1_j69q777 wrote
[deleted] t1_j65j3c5 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j65ja7z wrote
Shouldn't you be busy spamming "WORKING PEOPLE'S COMRADES" right now or something, Consaine?
[deleted] t1_j65jhg7 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j65jmdl wrote
Why are you complaining? At least four of your accounts have been permanently suspended
[deleted] t1_j65jwkm wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j65k2lo wrote
Inspect Element exists
[deleted] t1_j65k78d wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j65l9o0 wrote
Yes, because fascists have never lied to make themselves look good before
[deleted] t1_j65y10i wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j661dk9 wrote
You're saying that using chemical weapons against civilians in colonies is based?
[deleted] t1_j661mgg wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6632h7 wrote
Those were your words, not mine, profile stalker
Or are you going to pretend that Mussolini didn't do any war crimes?
[deleted] t1_j66395j wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j663v7y wrote
> fascist pretending to care about slaves
[deleted] t1_j6646hv wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j664o4q wrote
Behold, the quotations of your "heroes"
> Beyond the frontiers there has been a misunderstanding of the meaning of one of [the Duce’s] phrases to the effect that three-quarters of the Italian economic system, both industrial and agricultural, is under State supervision. Almost all the medium-sized and little firms and the great majority of slightly larger firms, with the exception of a few categories, are completely outside the sphere of the State’s healing activity.
—Signor Pirelli
> One must first and foremost exclude the State or any public body such as a syndicate, or more important still a Corporation, from taking upon itself the management of businesses and thus eliminating private enterprise or placing it in a thoroughly subordinate position. This would be in contradiction to the Charter of Labor.
—Gino Arias
> Fascism is likewise opposed to trade unionism as a class weapon.
—Giovanni Gentile
[deleted] t1_j665d3u wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j666n24 wrote
What kind of "syndicalism" opposes trade unionism?
[deleted] t1_j666qqz wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j667232 wrote
Yes, that right there destroys your whole narrative about fascism being "proletarian"
[deleted] t1_j667dgw wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6699vo wrote
Yeah and I guess that's why fascists believe in social darwinism lmao
[deleted] t1_j669fpt wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66c0ix wrote
Gee, I sure wonder which alliance Italy was in during World War II
[deleted] t1_j66c97h wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66cdrk wrote
GENERALPLAN OST Hunger Plan DER BACKE-PLAN Holocaust DIE ENDLOSUNG Dzyatlava massacre Kliczów-Bobrujsk massacre Słowodka-Bobrujsk massacre Rumbula massacre Dachau Gross-Rosen Auschwitz Josef Mengele AKTION T-4 Valley of Death Wola massacre Ochota massacre Kragujevac massacre Babi Yar massacre Odessa massacre Operation Tannenberg UNTERNEHMEN TANNENBERG Operation Himmler ÜBERFALL AUF DEN SENDER GLEIWITZ Krasowo-Częstki massacre Jedwabne pogrom Ponary massacre Himmler posen speeches INTELLIGENZAKTION POMMERN Nikolaev massacre Berdychiv massacre Babi Jar massacre Kharkov massacre Night of Broken Glass KRISTALLNACHT Night of the Long Knives UNTERNEHMEN KOLIBRI
[deleted] t1_j66chrc wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66co9y wrote
> The alliance of the good guys, who liberated my country from Soviet imperialists and saved my people from genocide!
funni 1984 doublethink
[deleted] t1_j66cy9z wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66djmn wrote
Then who do you propose was it that "defended Romania"?
[deleted] t1_j66e2hn wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66eg5g wrote
I seem to recall that you explicitly referred to the Waffen-SS as "heroes" in the past
[deleted] t1_j66evv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j66663h wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j666oi8 wrote
Ok, and?
[deleted] t1_j666ukc wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j667621 wrote
Strengthening private property and bourgeois power, truly the dream of all workers
[deleted] t1_j667btf wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66975k wrote
Clearly you didn't read your own link
[deleted] t1_j669hok wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66c2pb wrote
Another masterpiece from Consaine's rectum
[deleted] t1_j66c72j wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66cg7c wrote
"Communism is when capitalism"
- Duce Consaine, 2023
[deleted] t1_j66cst7 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66d42d wrote
It's a three way race in the Insanity Competition, between the Closeted Nazbol, the Himmlerite, and the Eastasian Burgundian Man
[deleted] t1_j66djnr wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66dtm8 wrote
> Not sure what Himmlerite
I am referring to the person known to me only as "fitz#6544", who by the way despises "Bolshevism" with a passion and admires both Hitler and Mussolini
[deleted] t1_j66e5g1 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66ec4f wrote
The "Burgundian" is referring to an entirely different person, who I refer to as a "Burgundian" because they unironically believe that the Burgundian System from the HOI4 mod TNO is an ideal society
[deleted] t1_j66ei7b wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66fmo5 wrote
As if you haven't tried to live out your Greater Romanian fantasies before?
[deleted] t1_j66fyd5 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66j6rk wrote
[deleted] t1_j66jgrv wrote
WikiSummarizerBot t1_j66ji4s wrote
>Europe a Nation was a policy developed by the British fascist politician Oswald Mosley as the cornerstone of his Union Movement. It called for the integration of Europe into a single political entity. Although the idea failed to gain widespread support for the Union Movement, it proved highly influential on European far-right thought.
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Class-Concious7785 t1_j66lq2c wrote
You are saying that you believe that neoliberalism is fascist?
[deleted] t1_j66m016 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66mnlq wrote
> China: 89%
Chairman Mao's legacy lives on!
[deleted] t1_j66mrtm wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66svta wrote
> Fascism is therefore opposed to socialism, to which unity within the State (which amalgamates classes into a single economic and ethical reality) is unknown, and which sees in history nothing but the class struggle.
[deleted] t1_j66t94w wrote
[deleted] t1_j696ttv wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j696yyy wrote
And to oppose collectivism is to deny the nature of humanity, therefore fascism will never achieve its goals
[deleted] t1_j69744g wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j697b0o wrote
Well then, go and try to do everything all by yourself without using the fruit of anyone else's labour, see how far that gets you
[deleted] t1_j697lzi wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j697w9x wrote
Did you mean:
marxism socialism communism
[deleted] t1_j6980ow wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j698jsa wrote
If you are such an individualist, then go and try to build a house entirely by yourself with resources that you obtained entirely by yourself without any assistance or trade whatsoever
You are nothing without the Collective, this is an objective fact
[deleted] t1_j69adxs wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69g9r1 wrote
Still making shit up?
[deleted] t1_j69hkvf wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69ih55 wrote
Why are you incapable of not resorting to just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks?
[deleted] t1_j69joh2 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69k6gl wrote
Oh fuck off, you lie and twist everything anyone else says
[deleted] t1_j69nhaf wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69or7y wrote
> When dealing with such a race as Slavic—inferior and barbarian—we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy. ... We should not be afraid of new victims. ... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps. ... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians.
- Benito Mussolini on Slavs, 1922
> If Petrograd does not fall, if Denikin marks the way, it is that this is what the great Jewish bankers of London and New York want, tied by race ties with the Jews who in Moscow as in Budapest take revenge against the Aryan race who it has been condemned to dispersion for many centuries. In Russia, there are eighty percent of Soviet leaders who are Jewish. Wouldn't Bolshevism by chance be Judaism's revenge against Christianity? The topic lends itself to meditation. It is possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogroom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews.
Benito Mussolini on Jews, 1919
Behold, the fascist "anti-racism"
[deleted] t1_j69p7sc wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69pymv wrote
Go back to Twitter
[deleted] t1_j69qevj wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69r81q wrote
Then say the difference
[deleted] t1_j69romw wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69w1a2 wrote
By the 20th century, it had taken on the current meaning, and to say that it didn't is plain dishonesty
[deleted] t1_j6a117u wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6a3dfw wrote
Germany, Italy, and Japan are English now?
[deleted] t1_j69sst4 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j69vvdy wrote
Congratulations, you just contradicted your entire narrative, well done
[deleted] t1_j6a1ajw wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6a3b3z wrote
Once again, you flat out lied
[deleted] t1_j66pvb8 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66spue wrote
> dredging up unrelated comments
[deleted] t1_j66t2k9 wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j66z7c6 wrote
Yes, it's either do absolutely or eternal torture, there is no in between
Who needs nuance when you can act like a fool on the internet instead?
[deleted] t1_j68jnmi wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j696hbf wrote
Yes I'm sure the word of the Chinese equivalent of Scientology is very trustworthy
[deleted] t1_j696mpk wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j696q1m wrote
Are you actually stupid enough to not know what an equivalent is, or are you just trolling?
[deleted] t1_j696x3d wrote
Class-Concious7785 t1_j6978fv wrote
And you resorted to babbling nonsense again!
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